Anyone else feel this way?

Does anyone else feel so in the “routine” of being a mom/working that it actually feels uneasy/uncomfortable to go do something not in this routine… example hanging out with friends, dinner with friends, etc. I used to go out and do so much before mom life no issues now I just feel uneasy when out


Yes!!! Mine are grown and I would say to all young moms in the thick of young children raising, If it makes you feel uneasy, you need to get out more often with out the children. It is so easy to turn in to wife and mother and lose who you are. It is difficult enough to let go when they grow up and move out. Much harder transition when you have lost who you are with out them. From experience keep date nights with the hubby if you are married and practice self care. If you don’t take care of yourself it won’t get done. Hugs, love and prayers for all :heart:

You need to have a routine going out. I have 4 kids so I get it. For us the kids get in and out all through the same door in the same order. We are not about to have kids walking around to open the other door. We walk through the parking lot the same way every single time with the youngest on my hip. Kids 2 and 3 holding my hand and oldest is old enough to know the rules. When out doing things I expect everyone to stay within my line of sight and within arms reach always. I remind them to “stay in the group” and click my tongue to remind them to stay with us. I am a very seasoned mama of over a decade but I learned these things along the way as I had more and more kids. They became second nature and now it’s like doing it on automatically, it does get easier mama

Yes. Our middle is very routine oriented, so our days generally have such a stacked routine that I find myself out of sorts when we break it together. Toss in me being WITHOUT them, and it’s even worse

It’s caused from not getting out and socializing. I hate going anywhere anymore. Never had the problem till I had kids too.

I get what you mean 100% … I feel extremely anxious the whole time . My kids can drive me absolutely up the wall and I get a night out and STILL want to go back home to them

Yep lol! I would much rather be at home, sticking to my schedule! :woman_shrugging: