Anyone else felt this way?

So, long story short, even though I love my husband, I don't feel attracted to him anymore more, he doesn't turn me on when we intimate , and I don't know what to do to feel like I used to feel.

We used to have great sex, the best of my life, never felt the same way with anyone else before.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone else felt this way?

I mean it happens overtime, try counselling I was going to say move on but clearly your married. Try make it work if not tell him maybe he feels the same way.

Maybe you’re just used to it, or after a while of being together sex becomes more like a chore than like a spontaneous adventure like it once was. Maybe try something new or spontaneous? Or ask him to be? Are you feeling desired still? Maybe even try roleplaying. Maybe even try talking to him about how you’re feeling to see if maybe he’s feeling the same way or ask him if there’s anything he’s always wanted to try. It just sounds like a bump in the road that all marriages and long term relationships face. I hope you guys can get past it :slight_smile:

Communication. Be open and honest without being hurtful. Talk about new ways to spice things up. Spend more time together one on one dating again. No phones or other outside influences. Counseling may also help. If that is the only problem in your marriage you need to fight for it. Most people aren’t so lucky. I wasted 23 years of my life between two diff men and finally found the love of my life. Make it work! I promise it’s worth it.


There’s missing info to why you feel this way, so I guess get to the root why you aren’t attracted to him.
-Has he hurt you in the past? Many woman’s sexual energy and attraction is based on if she feels secure in the relationship.
-Has his appearance changed? If he needs to change some unhealthy habits he’s picked up, kindly suggest some better changes. You gotta communicate with him… I’d suggest couples counseling. And even go by yourself if he won’t. Marriage is ebb and flow. If he’s a good man, give time and chances to help himself while you support him. You married each other for good reasons I would hope, try to get back to those reasons. :blue_heart:


It probably got stale. Spice it up. Lingerie, blindfolds, flavored lube. Make it fun. Nothing wrong with being kinky


Try spicing it up. As y’all age things change. Open a conversation about it with your husband. You didn’t say that you have already spoke to him about the issue, so I’m assuming you didn’t and came here instead. Communication will go far in the long run. Sex isn’t the whole marriage, but if it’s an issue tell him.

Not enough information. The best advice is communicate with your husband and perhaps together you can find a solution.

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play with toys, find new things u like then teach him​:wink::wink:

See a doctor. Could be a medical condition, could be psychological. Could be menopause. It could be a million things. Take some time to figure out what that is (with a PROFESSIONAL).


You could try adding new things to spice it up. If that doesn’t work, ever thought about having an open relationship? It works very well for some couples who have different intimacy needs.

Um who you talking to or interested in?

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