Anyone else financially drained?

Is anyone else financial drained? Living pay check to pay check, behind on a bill or two, NO savings, and in the house because you can’t afford “fun” things anymore? My SO thinks it’s just us who can’t succeed in life like buying a home and taking vacations but I try to reassure him it’s so common now that people don’t talk about their lows and make it public that they’re struggling. He says he’s unmotivated just in general and I understand because I feel it too I just try not let my mind go there.


We just bought a house and moved out of my in laws after being there for a year and a half…we have not been able to take a vacation ever since the last few years…we don’t have extra money to go out and do things we no longer have a savings since we bought the house and I’m sure within time we will be behind on bills because things just cost wayyyy more than they use to…it’s sad cuz we make twice as much now then we did a year ago and we r still behind and won’t be able to afford small luxuries so it’s not just u!


:raising_hand_woman:t2: in debt, needs are met, wants are fantasies for now

The economy is so expensive now.
Cost of living has gone up, fuel prices are high, your basic necessities are increasing in price, groceries are getting expensive, car insurance has increased, rent is expensive, everything is expensive, more than it was years ago.
Me and my boyfriend both make $24.10 an hour and our rent alone is $1250 a month then you add groceries and everything else just to survive and utilities & we still struggle sometimes.
We’ve had unexpected car repairs, animal vet bills and other things come up that we are behind right now.
We’ll be caught up by the end of next month but it is hard to just live right now. Yall arent the only ones.
Hopefully you’ll get back on top again soon.


Yeah we don’t do fun things that has to do with money. I just find things to do that costs nothing

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Same. I have 3 teenagers and I’m hanging on by my teeth.

Most of us are in the same situation

We are struggling like that.

A lot of people just like this! So it’s not just you guys! I can’t do anything fun anymore unless it’s free to do. Even then can’t, cause of gas but its lil cheaper than other things lol.

Nah man biden economics are the best ever… said no one ever


We are there with you. Hang in there!

My light bill is $1700 and I don’t have it, I have kids in the house and it’s over 100° in South Carolina, I could literally cry. 

We are typically so broke. Our mortgage and bills are paid but our credit card debt is also creeping up. We live so frugal, meal plan, find free fun for the kids, rarely eat out or splurge on anything, and we still live very paycheck to paycheck and even that isn’t cutting it :pensive: You are not alone by any means.


There’s literally hundreds of millions of people in America in this same boat


You are not alone. My husband works as a truck driver and we just can’t get ahead either. We haven’t had a vacation since 2-3 years ago and just hanging on by a thread. It’s not just you.

We’re in the same boat. Living in a low income apartment really doesn’t help but I can’t afford hours or even to rent a 3 bedroom we’re I live is $1,000. That’s not even other bills. Hang in there

It’s not just Americans.The uk is the same food bills doubled, petrol gone up gas and electric mortgages rent everything is pinching at the purse strings you just make it through one month and then it all starts again the next month.

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Yes I understand same boat

Yup. We use to be imo middle class. We weren’t rich but we weren’t poor either. Not anymore. We’re poor, barley getting by the hairs of our chiny chin chins. In 2yrs our car/truck will be paid off so that’ll help alot and by then 8yrs left on our mortgage.

Thankfully after many years of struggle ,at 63 and 59 my husband and I are financially stable ,However ,2 of my children struggle and can’t begin to make ends meet .o try to encourage them to just keep going ,but I know how depressing it is .I hope things look up for your family .

It’s not just you , everyone is struggling . Everything is UP. Don’t beat yourselves up. If you are trying your best that’s all that matters


Yes. I had to take a leave of absence from school because I couldn’t afford it anymore.

Tell your SO take his blinders off :laughing: the world is hurting

People really need to think about the rising prices when they vote !!!

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Hubby needs to do a little research to know how desperate most of us are!:laughing: The struggle is real :tired_face:

Nope we are in the same boat the economy is crazy right now

So…my grocery bill was…I repeat was…around $200 a week for 4…now…same amt of groceries…$435 today…and we borj make decent money w no heavy debt…so it is everywhere

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It’s us too. The only things we’ve been doing is free stuff or the lake.

Everyone is struggling. Just hang in there. If you have littles do fun stuff at home. Memories matter. Blanket tents, blow bubbles. Color picture, watch a movie, play games.

Even the homeless population has increased because of the struggle.

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Nope that’s how majority of America is

You definitely are not alone! We’re all on the struggle bus lately!

Yep, same over here. But my OB doctor put me off work May 24 and baby born May 26th emergency C-section. I’m on maternity leave til after Labor Day so no paychecks here with unpaid FMLA :confused:

Same here . I think that way sometimes . I lived on both sides poor and high middle class now barely scraping by even with working overtime it’s just not enough… just enough for bills and food . No spending or splurging on other things . Still broke. My bf and I both work really good jobs but everything has increased tremendously on food and everything . Health, food, rent , even to buy a house here the interest rates are just outrageous…

We are just like this and have to pay multiple bills late because we can’t afford them and our grocery bill is out of this world and my husband gets paid a decent hourly pay but after everything comes out we are living paycheck by paycheck

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Also living paycheck to paycheck over here and my boyfriend works 50+ hours a week, you’re not alone. :mending_heart:

This resonates with so many and is so common. Everyone I know is struggling.

I’m the same xx barely make it through the month x

The last time I went away and out was two years ago to a concert dinner and a weekend at a hotel and I swear we both the tickets a year in advance and still saved for that weekend it’s hard I can’t tell you any time I’ve left my house for something fun that wasn’t an adult responsibility and it completely sucks

It’s not just you don’t worry. Especially with inflation just getting groceries is a complete disaster. Before we used to have a little left over money wise but now after bills and food and gas is impossible.

Yup !! I’m 36 weeks pregnant and not working but hubby is. Very thankful I don’t have to pay rent or mortgage though bought our cabin cash and it’s placed on my in laws rancho. We get by but it’s pushing it. :cry:

Struggling everyday. We usually take two trips a year and this year we probably won’t be going anywhere.

Yes so a agreed this life is soooo hard

Girl, you are NOT alone. I’m actually glad you made this post because I have been struggling so hard with the inability to afford “things” in general. Our bills are paid, but there isn’t anything left over to go out and do anything with our kids at all. My husband told me the same reassuring thing you did about how everyone is struggling, they just don’t post about it.

You’re not alone. I hope your SO sees the MANY comments on here that lets him know y’all are not the only ones. :pensive:

It’s all corporate greed, every single thing in our day to day is more expensive. Who’s raking in our $$$ ? Not US ! I’m on a fixed income all subject to change so we watch the expenses rise.

I think it’s like the world …people who go on vacations use income tax money to actually go or they just go broke going …

It’s everyone unfortunately. I sometimes have to extend on water and electricity bill. Sometimes I go without cell phone and use wifi only. For food we’ve been eating Ramen and sandwiches

Where I live in Canada its super expensive:(
3k a month to rent …
Wages do go up but not enought to help the people .cost of things do to :frowning: