Anyone else get a cold sore after giving birth?

Did anyone else happen to get a cold sore that took forever to go away after delivering their baby? I looked it up I guess all the hormones returning to normal after childbirth can cause coldsores. I had one on the other side that cleared up in a couple days but this one is so stubborn. It’s been over 2 weeks I took a valtrex prescription on Thursday for it and I swear it looks worse. I just don’t get what else I could do for it. I’m using Carmex lip balm and abreva on it and it’s just staying right there. Anyone else have any ideas? I’m wondering if I should just use triple antibiotic ointment on it or something I’m worried maybe it’s infected. No one else in the house has gotten it so I know it’s just hormonal but it looks awful I’m just over it.

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Sounds like you need to go to the doctor. Have you never had a cold sore before and this your first time? Because if it’s the first time then you caught it from somebody who has the virus that causes cold sores.

Put vitamin c tablet on it. Trust me