Anyone else get tired of their spouse

Do you guys just get tired of your partner? Everything they do annoys and emotionally you’re just not connected you get tired of the disrespect and lack of care they have for you im just over everything and im trying to make things better but I’m just making myself mad at the end of the day men really don’t care about women im tired of caring for someone who doesn’t do the same for me having kids with him makes me so mad im very disappointed in myself struggle love is not it


I feel almost exactly like this. It’s so hard. We’ve been together almost 14 years and I wonder why. We can get along fine and be happy. But I am always craving more depth. Anytime I bring it up it just starts a fight. I’m always on the fence about what to do.


I’m sorry if you feel this way and it hasn’t gotten better- why continue to drag it on. Your wasting your time and his. Not everyone is meant to be together…whether you think so or not but your kids can 100% feel your negativity towards him. If you don’t believe it can be fixed you need to grow up, set plans and fix your future. For yourself, children and him (whether you stay together or not)…I seriously recommend looking into individual counseling and couples counseling. Ive been in your shoes. I couldn’t have imagined making it another year down the road. It wasn’t fair to me. It wasn’t fair to him. And it most definitely wasn’t fair to our children. However, you cannot lump all men in the same category as individuals who do not treat women with respect there are many men still out there who would move heaven and earth for their wives. Second go around, I found one. Life isn’t always fair, life isn’t easy. You gotta do what you gotta do- but being unhappy/miserable isn’t the way.


I get annoyed, but I can’t wait to snuggle at the end of the day. We both do our best

I can relate to this.
If they’re making you more unhappy than happy then maybe it’s time to reconsider your situation.
I’m aware that it’s easier said than done but don’t stay in an unfulfilling relationship, it will only bring you down more.

The conversations you have with yourself are important. You can talk yourself into being as happy or miserable as you choose. Since you have convinced yourself that you are unhappy with him, and you’d be happier without him, it’s unlikely to get any better.

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Its easy to say “I love seafood, I could eat it everyday” but if you wash up on a deserted island and thats all you ever eat you start to crave anything else

I go thru same no kids but my childhood sweetheart got married now he does.nothin i do most and ask for help but nope then i get mad cause he so lazy i cant do it all then fight starts

I’m over it already and the kids mean and sad to say I know but tired of older treating me like a step parent and everyone disrespecting me ready walk away and see how they get along with out me that’s how fed up

Leave if you’ve talked about it numerous times. If it’s toxic it’s going to destroy you mentally emotionally n physically and I know this for a proven fact.

The grass isn’t always greener on the other side

Quit bellyaching and leave him