Anyone else had a cyst while pregnant?

Recently I found out at 33 weeks pregnant that my son has an intracranial cyst, I was taken for a MRI less then a week later. My results for the Fetal MRI came back and they're saying there is more going on then just a cyst. Has anyone gone through this and their child be fine at birth? Could the MRI be wrong... I'm beyond stressed

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone else had a cyst while pregnant?

I had a size of a grape fruit cyst while pregnant once it was time to have my baby through c section they removed my cyst and tied my tribes at the same time :raised_hands:

Yes and it just disappear at the end of my pregnancy

I’d wait it out and see what happens they often get things like this Wrong or they resolve themself. Xx


She is talking about the baby having the cyst


So it’s not you that has the cyst? Its in the babies head? The question is very confusing because its asking if anyone has had a cyst but says it’s the baby that has the cyst.


Go back to the doctor or call and say obviously it’s confidential do they no anyone who has been in this situation to support you

My little girl I’m pregnant with had cysts on her brain at 20 week ultrasound had another ultrasound 27 weeks and they had dissolved


My daughters ob told her my granddaughter had many cysts in her head when she was pregnant and they dissolved before birth and my granddaughter is a happy healthy 3 year old now. Nothing ever came of it except my daughter being scared to death for a bit.


I have no advice but I’m praying everything is ok with your sweet little baby. :blue_heart:

I had an oopherectomy when i was 24 weeks. I had a cysts larger than a football. They removed my ovary and the cyst. I look like I have a csection scar from it. But I delivered my 8lb 7oz son vaginally with no complications.

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Dezarae Morrow read these comments :heart:

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My fist had one but he’s a perfectley ok 3 year old

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My 4th baby had 3 cyst on his brain and big kidneys
At the 20 week ultrasound
Next ultrasound at around 27 weeks the cyst had dissolved
Still has big kidneys but is very healthy happy 8 year old


Yes,I found out at 18 weeks my son has one as well. But the dr reassured me that this is common and resolves itself usually. I was more at ease when I got my genetic testing back and baby is negative for downs. Since the cyst COULD be a sign of a form of downs.

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Me ! My daughter had a few. They pushed me towards aborting due to her possibly being born with spina bifida, down’s ect. I didnt care if she was born with anything wrong. 4 months later a happy perfectly healthy little girl


I did not find out about my daughters cyst until she was 6 years old (last year). She has a Pineal Cyst. Right in the middle of her brain. We were told not to worry about it as they can’t do anything for it but it may cause issues as she gets older (like 30’s or 40’s). She suffers from migraines so we did the MRI and found it. Still wrapping my head around everything but she seems to be doing good with no issues other than the migraines.
Good luck to you and yours! I’m here if you need me. You can always inbox me! Xoxoxo :two_hearts:


They didn’t find anything like that in my ultrasounds. My son was born and was having seizures. That’s when they found his cyst. 18 years later and he has graduated high school, has a job, drives daily, played football all through high school. He also did wrestling, cheerleading, bowling, track, cross country, marching band and so much more. I am sure you’re baby will be fine. They told me my son would have a limp, would never be able to play full contact sports, and he would be slow. He is none of that. He is smart, funny, handsome and never ceases to amaze me.

He also still has the cyst and has it checked every 5 years to make sure it hasn’t grown. But he is as normal as any other teenage boy. ( which in my opinion is as far from normal as there is lol)


My Granddaughter had a cyst also. It went away by the next ultrasound they did.


My daughter had a cyst that also dissolved before birth. I hope the same happens for you! <3

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My sister had this exact scare and her baby was fine when born

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Yes my daughter had a cyst on her brain they found out it went away 2hrs before birth at 36wks 1days breath love I have came to the conclusion I’m not stressing they will come out as perfect as there suppose to

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Victoria Gagnon is this what Ben had, or was it something different ?

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It could be miss read. I have heard of many baby’s who they though would have problems did not or could be fixed. Praying for yoi

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They often disappear, dissolve before baby is born or on first few years of a child’s life.


My boyfriend’s cousin was told her baby’s guts where outside of the infant and to terminate the pregnancy, she gave birth to a healthy little parasite. I was told my pregnancy was perfect and mine came out 10 days late, only 6lbs and a very large soft spot all the way to the back of his head

I had one did ultrasound I was so scared thinking something was gonna be wrong w my baby … it disappeared before she was born

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My granddaughter had numerous cysts but by the time she was born they were gone. My daughter in law had to have extra scans during her pregnancy.

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My daughter was diagnosed with a fluid filled cyst on the frontal lobe of her brain when she was in 5th grade! The doctor felt it was most likely there since birth and was caused by a mini stroke either before or immediately following birth due to my severe drop in blood pressure during the c-section. She’s now 36 years old and it’s still there. The only issue she’s had because of it was focal seizures.

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It can be wrong.

With my son I was told by my OB that he had polycystic kidneys… prognosis is not great with that condition, most babies born with it die shortly after birth.

So I came to stay with my parents, since there is a highly rated medical university near them, with a high grade NICU. Called every morning to see if they got any cancellations/openings.

Finally made it for an ultrasound and they said everything looked fine. He was born 100% healthy :heart:


My son was born at 34 weeks with a cyst on his arm we never even knew about it till he was born it was removed at 8 months he is now 10 years old no problems


My son had the same thing. I had to be induced at 34 weeks because of it he has some health issues but all and all he’s okay

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I had a big cyst with my youngest daughter and it dissolved. I was worried too!!! She came out 9 lbs 11 oz totally fine. Don’t worry mama. :purple_heart:

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My daughter had a cyst on the back of the brain my whole pregnancy. At 6 weeks they did an ultrasound and it had dissolved. I hope this puts you at ease x

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My middle child had several cysts on his brain at my 20 week scan. I went to a permanentologist to do a more elaborate ultrasound a month or so later and they were all gone. She said it’s more common than people think and usually resolves itself.


My son has a cyst in his brain they found by accident, but the neurologist said they are quite common.


Some cysts clear up on their own, but it’s also not something you can control. There’s babies born with issues the doctors never recognized, and babies born just fine that doctors thought would have a plethora of issues. Just relax and don’t stress too much, it will happen as it’s meant to.


My youngest son was found to have a kidney cyst when I was about 7 months along. It went away on its own

My son had a cyst in his brain and doctor told me that it was consistent with Trisomy 18. Recommended genetic testing and even abortion. I declined to both. 5 weeks later the cyst was gone. They said it “Could’ve just been liquid”… My son was born a healthy baby. Pray on it and stay positive. I know it’s hard but you’re almost to the finish line. You got this!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone else had a cyst while pregnant?

When I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter we were told she had a cyst on her head and she was a single umbilical artery baby! Sent us to a genetic counselor who gave us an opportunity to abort, which I denied! They had a team of specialist in the delivery room and she was born perfectly healthy! I was told the same with my 3rd daughter, we. skipped the genetic specialist and she was born perfectly healthy! Good luck to you!


My son was born with a cyst on his forehead. In his case, it was removed and there have been no complications.

I had a cyst when I was pregnant with my son the found it at like 7 weeks on and it was bigger then him for at least half of the pregnancy but they said it was common and he was perfecy healthy just a little small but I don’t no if that was due to the cyst xx

When I was pregnant they seen that my son had a Cyst on his Brain and a Brain Tumor and had Hydrocephalus. He had surgery after he was Born and he will be 4 years old on the 30th. He has seizures now but either then that he is Healthy.

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Did you get a covid vaccine anytime during pregnancy?

Prayers for you and your baby :baby:

Nothing is set in stone, worry when and if theres a reason.


Yep, mine went away after birth. Zero side effects etc. relax momma.

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So sorry to hear. I can only think of one thing and I won’t say what because that’s up to the doctors . Sorry and hope all goes well . :two_hearts::two_hearts:

Mine almost burst, they drained the fluid, he was fine. They told me had it burst it would have killed him. I really dont know if it’s the truth, but I was thankful I didn’t lose him. Hes almost 25.

I have no advice or experience but am sending calming, healthy vibes to you and baby :heart: