Anyone else have a breastfed baby that spits up a lot?

Any mamas have breastfed babies that spit up several times after nursing? Our 3 week old spits up SO much, sometimes through his nose, no matter how many times I burp him. Sometimes he will spit up laying down 2 hours after a feed. It’s not projectile, which was the only thing our pediatrician was concerned about, but I’m still worried. It’s atleast 20 times a day.

I had that with my oldest. I had to feed him on an incline. He also needed to see a pediatric GI who told us not to let him to sleep on his back. We had to slightly elevate the head of his crib. That should only be done under the order of a doctor.

my niece did this with my sister…. a long story short, breast wasn’t best in that situation.

See if baby suffers from a short food tube. Happens with premature babies and full term too. I think you just have to keep feeding them after they throw up so they get enough food in them. Eventually they’ll grow into their digestive system.

Yep my son does it, he’s 6 weeks old. Dr says he’s fine, he’s still gaining a bit more than what they need him to gain. So as long as baby is still poopin peeing and gaining, should be okay