Anyone else have a clumsy child?

Anyone else’s kid so clumsy? Running into people in the store, stepping on things on the floor, falling off the couch etc. I’m tired of it. I guess she’ll learn some day


My 6 year old she just needed glasses :rofl::heart:

Yep! My 4 and a half year old is very clumbsy :sweat_smile: also my 8 year old

I did and it turned out my son is almost legally blind.

Yes. My youngest daughter is super clumsy. I have taken her to the Dr and gotten her eyes checked and they couldn’t find anything wrong at all. Some kids are just clumsy (and some adults are too)

Get his ears and eyes checked. Ear problems can cause loss of balance aswell


My daughter when she was little, always falling. She’d yell “I’m ok” so we just went on with life until the next time she’d fall. :joy:

I hate to tell you this, but I’m almost 73 and I never grew out of it. I am really good at falling over stuff. Last week I tripped up avoiding falling over a shadow!!! I suspect I am a hopeless case.

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That’s more than just being “clumsy” I’ll highly recommend taking her to her pediatrician

I had a really clumsy child who it turns out had trouble with proprioception and spacial awareness which needed occupational therapy to help overcome.


My kids would be clumsy when they were going thru a growth spurt

Wow. With you as a parent, how can she succeed? Check them out for ASD, ADHD, poor sight, perception disorders, dyspraxia, balance issues. When they all come back clear - then you get to call them clumsy. It can also be caused by being left-handed when everything is designed for right handed people including doors.


It’s usually a proprioception issue. They don’t know where their body is in space. Might want to mention it to her pediatrician. There are also many many activities you can do with your child to help. Just look it up.


My daughter was like that it’s a depth perception issue and she needed glasses it’s getting better now she’s 5

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One of my sons was very clumsy and he went to ballet classes which helped

As a formerly clumsy child turned clumsy adult your a Richard if you catch my drift. You think they like running into things and falling? Rude. In my case it was combination of needing glasses and adhd/autism. So many things can cause clumsiness and to shame and be so rude about your child for something out of their control is insane :upside_down_face:


That child might have a neurological issue.
Take the kid to get checked….smh


Well. I’m 27 and guess I “never learned”. Not too long ago I tripped over the hose while pumping gas and face planted into my door that I left open. The guy on the other side of the pump laughed so hard. I can still hear the “crack” of my face kissing the plastic.

How about talking to your child’s doctor? Sometimes a child doesn’t mean to be clumsy and it could be a neurological disorder. So instead of getting tired of it as you said maybe you should make sure nothing is going on.


Check your child’s eyes :eyes:

Mine is 18 and still clumsy… Little brother is following right behind and he’s 2… Gonna be a long long long long next few years with him :laughing:

This was me as a child, and this is my 6yo son to a T. We’re both insanely clumsy, my son does all of this. My ADHD was diagnosed but ignored. My son has been diagnosed and we work hard together every day. It is hard out here because my parents had your attitude when they could have done something, now my son and I are learning to navigate together. It hurts my heart to see the child a child practically dismissed when it could be a real underlying “issue”. Whether its a neurological issue, or even if it’s just down to vision. Please discuss this with her doctor rather than shaming her over the internet.

My 7 year old has always been clumsy, turns out he needed glasses

Mine now 4 year old was super clumsy. Took her to the chiropractor and she was not aligned at all.

I’m clumsy. My ADHD is the reason I always have mysterious bruises. It has NOTHING to do with intelligence or learning. Spacial awareness deficiency is part of ADHD.