Anyone else have a really small baby?

Did anyone else have a really small baby? My little girl is 2 months away from a year old and she still fits into 3-6month clothes. Doctor doesn’t have any concerns but I still worry. Whenever she’s next to her little friends they are all so much bigger then her. Anyone else have this with their child?


My 1st boy was tiny he’s now 17 and 270lbs. He started putting on weight at 11

Both my daughter’s are very tiny for their age. My oldest is almost 7 and weighs about 40lbs she’s the smallest in her class. She was born 13 days late and weighed 6lbs 12oz. My youngest daughter is 5 1/2 and weighs about 30- or so lbs she was born at 6lbs 11oz and 2 days before her due date.

My son is 10 and squeezes into size 6 shorts lol. He can also wear size 10 shorts. His waste is so small lol. When he was 1 yr old he worn 6-9 months, maybe 9 or 9-12 depending what it was.

My 10 year old is 48 lbs and my 5 year old wears 18-24 months little sleepies.

My son is almost 2 1/2 and he can still fit in some 12m onesies and pants. When we took him to his 2 year check up he’s perfectly in the middle. So as long as baby is eating good and the dr doesn’t have any concern I wouldn’t worry to much :slightly_smiling_face:

My little girl is 5 next week and still in 2-3 clothes xx

My son is a year and almost 4 months and he’s much shorter and smaller then my 2 year old niece but theirs no problem with his health.

My daughter is 6 and still fits 2t clothes.