My 3 year old just threw up out of nowhere and has me so worried. She said she feels fine and nothing is hurting. I just don’t understand why she’d throw up out of nowhere
Sensitive - stomachs or allergies- mucus’ my little one does this so often if he doesn’t like the texture or the taste of the food immediately he will do this! Does this with fried eggs, sandwich ham meat!
picky little eaters -
My other child - did this with dairy! He grossed him self out if I have any of his food sides touching period on the plate
Maybe that’s all it is - if everything is fresh and not expired … make sure they are hydrated and can keep some food down if it’s often a few times a day more then 3 x a week get him checked out sooner but do tell your pediatrician!
My daughter will do that trying to make herself burp. She thinks its funny and it makes me nuts! Lol
Something she ate? My daughter can only eat certain things and if she branches out, sometimes it would make her sick. She kind of grew out of it but I don’t give her the foods. It’s possible she was just really full. If she’s drinking water, then she’s fine. Too full or possible allergy. Sometimes we forget they have such small bellies and they get distracted and eat too much.
Has she been congested or have seasonal allergies? My toddler has thrown up just from that getting the mucous from her throat. Did she eat too much too fast? If it happens once it could be anything. If it happens again I’d definitely get it checked out. Look for any other signs
My daughter is 8 and she used to do that when she was upset or wanted attention when she was a toddler. She outgrew it once she realized that she wasn’t getting the attention she wanted.
Check throat … could be tonsils … my daughter started doing that at 3 years … no other symptoms just vomitting and boom her tonsils were sooo large
My son did this until he was put on reflux meds!
Get her checked for spasmodic esophageal possibly