My daughter will be two next month, and I was wondering if anyone has had difficulty trying to get theirs to fall asleep at a decent hour? For the past month, mine hasn’t wanted to go to sleep at a regular hour. We start bedtime at 8, but she fights sleep no matter what and doesn’t fall asleep till about 11 and sometimes even midnight or later. I know she is getting teeth in, so she gets Tylenol before bed. She sleeps in her own bed in her own room with a night light. Are there any suggestions on what else to do? Or is this just part of the “terrible two-stage” and we just have to tough it out? TIA
I think some other important things to know, when does she wake up and how long does nap?
Start bedtime earlier.
So my guy wakes up at 9. He naps from 3-5 then doesn’t go to bed until 11-12. It seems horrible. But it really works for our family currently.
No naps… start bedtime things around 6 . Laying down alone by 7 (ish)
Mine went through this phase when she was teething before she was two
If she takes a nap, have her stop that.
Do you have a bedtime routine? Like something you do nightly— my girls get jammies on, teeth brushed, last drink, use the potty, cuddle time on the couch (feet touch the floor no cuddles), head to bed, read one book, lights out. To get in a good routine takes a few weeks.
If nothing else works speak with your Dr about melatonin if it’s not getting better.
But if it’s teeth it’ll pass
Give her a bath and warm bottle along with her meds at bedtime guaranteed k.o.
My doctor had us start crying it out around 13 months and after a few nights of that if she gets bad we’re back on track and she’s on a schedule as well that helps a ton.
Having a night time routine has really helped us…my son is almost 3…staying as consistent as possible is what is working for us…dinner, bath, a little light playing, cuddles and a cup of milk, brush teeth, read book, then off to sleep…some nights he fights it…some nights are great…but he is usually asleep by 8:30…he naps most days but no more than 2 hour nap
Shorten naps or make her nap earlier. When my daughter was that age she needed a good amount of wake time before bed.
Mine fights bedtime sometimes and we got over dealing the hours of screaming and her fighting sleep. We both work full time.
So we started putting her iPad in her bed with a nursery rhyme for her. She watches it until she falls asleep and bedtime is much more manageable.
We all go to bed at 8pm and my partner gets up earlier than we do but my 2 yr old normally gets up between 5 and 6am
This is how we’ve always been due to us working. He also has 1 nap in the middle of the day for between 1 and 2 hrs
My step son only sleeps on car rides. We try to get him to nap throughout the day, but he just screams his head off or keeps getting out of bed to play with toys. He doesn’t sleep until anywhere between 10pm and midnight. He turns 2 in January. When he does nap, we just let him sleep for about and hour/ hour and a half, but he’s still hard at night. We lay with him and cuddles and all and he still refuses to sleep half the time. Wish I could help, but I don’t even have any answers.
No bedtime here my 3 1/2 year old sometimes goes to sleep around 730/8 and then sometimes it’s late as 1130 (which he’s only done a couple times). And he doesn’t really take naps anymore. Good luck.
I find having music helps my kid sleep sometimes. It also depends on what hos bedtime routine is. If you just put him to bed, give him a kiss and say goodnight, then he wont go to bed. If you are on a bedtime routine and hes still not falling asleep then that’s another story.
I’m the oddball out here, my toddler is a night owl AND early bird. He doesn’t go to bed until usually about 11ish, sometimes later, rarely ever earlier and when he does he almost always wakes up around 3-4am for the day.
Try dye-free Motrin instead of Tylenol. Our Pediatrician said some kids get wound up from the red dye in Tylenol.
We do a nap still at two an bed time starts around 7:30-7:45 warm bath with dim lights dim lights in bedroom we read have milk Rock an the lights out around 8:15-8:30 we do plant therapy essentials oils on chest an feet an a sleep supplement if we’re really crazy. Same thing every night since he was little
Sleepberry by Joyspring has helped my son so much its Melatonin and elderberry and chamomile puts him right to sleep. We used it to for a night time schedule now he only gets it occasionally
When toddlers are overly tired it’s harder for them to fall asleep, & remember we had a time change so maybe 8 could be too late for her now, I would try maybe 7/715ish & see how it works!
How many naps does he take? I’m assuming one. Mine dropped his second nap at 18 months he just turned 3 and he either doesn’t get a nap and goes to bed early or gets a 45-60 minute nap. I wish I could help. My son sometimes gives us no trouble other times he’s a Terror and is up talkings to himself at 10pm. I’m hoping as he gets older it’s easier more then not
My 4 year old, no naps, in bed by 8, up at 7am. Sometimes I have given her a cup of cereal or oatmeal. When she was hyped up. The teething may be the culprit.
Don’t allow to nap after 2pm, and wake him up in maximum 2 hours. Like that, he will tired enough for bed time like at 8h30. Naps are the key and always be consistent about the time. If you put him in bed at 8, always at 8.
Bwahaha. If I start bedtime too early then it doesn’t work but our magical witching hour is 845. So get ready about 7- 730, runs around like a crazy person then quiet time with tablet/ cuddles with mom then bed
We just have a bedtime routine and we stick to it. Bath time, watch a little tv, read a book, cuddle and then lights out by 7 - 730.
If you can, maybe in addition to some of these other ideas, starting the bedtime schedule earlier may help nighttime be at a decent hour
I have a granddaughter that refuses to sleep for a nap n go to bed at night no matter what time it is. She just turned 3.
Have you tried laying with her to her her to sleep mine was clingy around that age and always wanted to cuddle to fall asleep.
Rub her down in lavender lotion before bedtime…it will relax her and help her sleep…
We had to cap our daughters day nap at 1 hour so she is will be asleep by 8:30
Let her play/run around an hour or two before you start your bedtime routine. A nice bath, some jammies, cuddle with a book of her choosing. Then to bed. It will take a while, but that’s okay.
No they go bed selfs now grown enough
Needed attention I would be there
My.daughter used to get.very restless and wound up from Tylenol! Maybe try teething tabs?
Maybe put her to bed earlier or try a music night light.
Mine goes to bed anywhere from 11pm-1am. Wakes up briefly at 3-4 for water then goes back to sleep until 11am-1pm. My son also doesn’t nap
When are you giving your baby a nap…
Mine is almost 4 still going on
My son is the same way he usually only takes 1 nap a day he’s almost 16months old and has fought sleep since being born. I try to put him down for bed about 9pm every day sometimes he goes right to sleep most times he’s up until 11 then he gets up at 7 to 8 depending on the day sometimes if I’m lucky he sleeps tell 9 or 10 either way he takes a nap around 3pm idk I just thought I’d ask the same thing
Bedtime what’s that Just kidding. Good luck
I’m arguing with a 4 year old on why she needs to go to sleep right now.
Yep. My oldest will be 4 in February and most nights I’m fighting her until almost midnight to go to bed. It’s awful. I think you’ll honestly just have to tough it out. I wish ya luck
If she’s still taking naps, it might be time to skip them. My daughter was around 2 when she stopped taking naps. She still needed the down time, so we would lay down and watch a movie or something low-key. Once I started doing that, she would be out like a light by 7:30pm and would sleep until about 7 or 8am.
My daughter has decided that she will not go to sleep before 10. She just turned 2. I put her in her bed and she will play, talk and even sing. The only way she will go to sleep sooner is if she doesn’t nap or if she takes a really early nap.
It took us till our 4th kid before we figured out a strategy that worked. Around 2 or 3 they all seemed to want to stay up later. I think it was mostly curiosity about what mom and dad were doing after bed time…they just didnt want to be left out. With number 4 we said fine…let’s do this. So rather than bed time for her (after the others were in bed) we kept her up with us and she helped us with chores, cleaning, laundry, etc. She took apart computers with dad (fixing and scrapping electronics was a side business at the time and after bed was when dad worked on it). If the TV was on it was on mom and dad’s shows (like This Old House, or something on HGTV or Food network) not something interesting to her. A few nights she held out till 11:00 or so, but pretty quickly she would just lie down on the couch and fall asleep. Once she figured out how boring we were after bed time, she decided to just stay in bed after her story The same trick worked with the next 2 kids. It was a lot nicer than fighting with them…and it took maybe a week or 10 days to get them all back on their schedule.
Yes but sleep disorders run in my family. I don’t fight it.
My little one use to stay up for awhile until 1015… it lasted about a month or so… I only remember because Disney fireworks at 945 and octonuts at 10pm… she’s now 13… it will get better
Yep my nearly 4 year old fights sleep, not found a solution yet x
I find if we skip nap time but lay down relaxing watching movies or reading books about 6 my son is asleep by 8:30
That usually means it’s time to drop a nap.
Don’t let her nap after 4
No naps, soft music.
Lavender helps for sleep. Can you put a plug in or a diffuser safely in her room?
Have you tried music to sleep train?
Following. My daughter is 4 and she hasn’t napped since she was two and still fights sleep. She will sing and talk so she can delay the bedtime.
Maybe an evening walk around the block and maybe some warm milk and a muffin or something to have something in her stomach to relax her before bed? If you say prayers maybe even try praying together as well?
Mine is the same. Little bugger refuses to nap too.
Is he still on bottle
Try some lavender lotion after a warm bath with lavender wash.
At 2 my girl had 2 naps. We went to bed at 9. Sometimes it would take 1-2 hours for her to actually sleep! I did the bedtime routine and after some time (maybe almost a month) she finally started to settle down and bedtime and now she just turned 3 and goes right to sleep!! Try to have her do alot of physical stuff after 5 to realeae energy and get a good bedtime routine!! Gop3d luck
I had one like this, ruined every evening. Cut out all day time naps. Make sure she gets enough exercise. The always a bath. Carbohydrate snack with banana (triptophane) , and into bed with a short story. Then go sit down and ignore her even if she gets up, comes out, wanders around. IGNORE HER !!! Can’t stress this enough. She will fall asleep under tables. Under chairs…and be ok. Put her in her bed when you feel like it. Eventually even this will stop. Do this even worth baby sitters.
U will be happier having yr life back. This may be weird but it works for all. A child psychologist suggested this to me and hopefully it works for u too
I was going to suggest the Melatonin but your friends were ahead of me I am 82 but I am thinking that sleepberry would be just the thing for me… if I can find it.
My son takes about a two hour nap every day I make sure it’s no later than 1:00. We have dinner about 6-6:30…once I’m done cleaning the kitchen about 7:30ish I get him in the tub. I let him stay in there until about 8:00. I immediately dress him in pjs and we lay down together. He is usually out by 8:15-8:30… there are some nights it takes almost a whole hour. I then move him to his bed when I’m ready to get in my bed.
Girl I wish I knew! My daughter is 15 months and bedtime has been a nightmare since she was 9 months old. She’ll go to sleep for the most part around 830 but wakes up a couple of times before midnight needing me to rock her back to sleep. Then up again by 5am or earlier. I’ve tried letting her whine, etc but this morning she was up at 3am and it’s now 630am and we’ve been up ever since. I just keep hoping she’ll grow out of it! Following this thread for advice too!
Pumpkin butt oil for the teething!!!
Laura Briggs Graham Briggs. Finlay is good I know but some good tips here in the answers. x
We went through the same phase with our daughter when she was about 2.5. It was just a phase for her, but we just stuck to the same routine we’ve always had and just pushed through. Bath at 7. Jammies and rocking/reading until 8ish, and then tuck her in. Dim lights starting at supper time. She is 3 now. Still follow same routine and she is normally asleep by 8:30.
Omitting naps and start a bed time routine bath book bed. My boys r in bed at 8 most nights…
Shorter day naps & start bed earlier, no screens just music bath books &quiet - same thing every night. Eventually they catch on, I have a stubborn 2 also who will fall asleep but staying asleep all night or sleeping past 530am is unheard of. Good luck!
Never judge a book by its cover, I had always talked rubbish about the spiritual healers because i was living a luxurious life with my husband and kids. I never believed that anyone can solve someone’s problems. I could rudely reply to the posts about the healers with insults little didi know that one day they will help me. It started when a strange disease attacked one of my kid for almost eight months. I visited all the hospitals in Europe but the doctors couldn’t see the disease. I went to pastors, Sheiks, Sisters, and priests but couldn’t see any change. I sold all of my properties and lost my business because I was charged lots of money. I went back to Zero. My husband was used to a luxurious life since he was coming from a rich family. He started losing interest in me, disrespected me, insulted me in our kids’ presence, all my in-laws hate me. I had no shoulder to cry on.I was left with no hope. The most heartbreaking part is when my husband started cheating on me with one of the member of Parliament which I won’t mention her name. I got depressed and tried to commit suicide until when my friend asked me to contact papa marere . I had lost hope and besides didn’t trust healers. I called them scammers. My friend used his cellphone and called him. he gave him a date to go to her office and on that date, my friend picked me very early in the morning and took me there. I explained everything to him. he asked us to go back and bring the sick kid and we did so. he cast his spells and after a few hours, my son was healed. And he also told me that my husband will return that he has settled that After a few weeks my husband came back home and apologized to me. he gave me a ring for my business and as I speak now am not complaining. I got back everything.+2348109805184 is his number for help. Email him via ( marerespells@gmail. com ) he is INCREDIBLE.
Well yes its a stage some just cant falll asleep right away let her play wear herself out then shell fall asleep quicker
I have 4 kids. The oldest struggle with sleep as a toddler so we skipped naps and would sleep without fighting all night. She is 13 now. My youngest two age 2 and 1 are on a sleep schedule and do nap but never fights going to bed at 8pm with the older ones. They can stay up as long as they want but have to be in there rooms by 8