Anyone else know they’re not getting a single thing for Valentine’s Day? Do you even say anything to your spouse anymore or just ignore it?
Valentine’s day is overrated.If your significant other loves you they should show that throughout the year.Everyone running around for overpriced flowers,cards and chocolate or having to reserve a table at a busy restaurant on one day because the calendar told you to is stupid in my opinion.Your partner shows you how they feel about you every day.If they don’t appreciate you on any other day what makes you think they will on Valentine’s day? Why are you even still with them? Sometimes you have to love yourself enough to leave.
I’m a single solo mom, of course I’m not getting anything. Same for mother’s day, my birthday, Christmas or anything. Most are commercial days made up by companies for profit. The only one that I miss is mother’s day, I’d like to hear it just once. No gifts or expectations, I’m not unrealistic. But just the 4 simple words, happy mothers day mommy .
We don’t get each other anything. When we want something we buy it. We are going out to eat tonight ( it’s too busy tomorrow night). We don’t need a special day to show our love for each other.
Valentines day is commercialized to get companies money. It’s the little things every day that matter and the random movie night or date night. It means so much more when they do something on a normal day where they aren’t told to and it isn’t expected like it is on valentines day. I’d rather my husband bring me a snickers bar on a random tuesday because he was thinking about me than him buy expensive stuff on a fake holiday
Valentine’s Day is completely overrated. My boyfriend shows me every day how much he loves and appreciates everything I do. We don’t need a specific day out of the year to show each other our love. 
I’m a grown adult in a committed relationship where we don’t need a specific day to show we care.
When my husband was still alive I always got flowers and we always went out to eat.
We don’t do gifts for each other on valentines day. We do however give our young daughters flowers and candies and stuff. We use to celebrate with each other but we are going on 19 years. We don’t need one specific day out the year.
He should be getting you at least a card!
I know I’m not getting anything. We don’t celebrate. We celebrate 50% off chocolate day on the 15th
So be kind to yourself and give yourself a valentine gift!
Married 25 years….we don’t do “gifts” for V-Day….we go eat…that’s it! Never understood all the crap for V-day!
If you want something go get it yourself , heck day after I am going to go buy me half off candy lol
I told my husband i didn’t want to exchange this year. I would rather save up and do a special date a different weekend or buy something more useful. I dont want to spend money we don’t have on chocolates or flowers.
If it matters to you, express that to him. It’s ok for you to want to feel special on Valentines Day and a card is not too much to ask… or even a card and $10 cut flowers… it’s also ok if it doesn’t matter to you. If you express that it matters to you, and your finances support that you can be treated, and he still doesn’t get anything for you… i would ask him why? If there is something he cares about, do you do what you can to support him too? I think each relationship is different and communication is key. I would also add that in my experience, the women who struggle so much not getting anything, often don’t get anything the rest of the year either so it’s a bit bigger than not getting a box of chocolates.
I know I’m not but I’m perfectly ok with that because my husband shows me he loves me daily in many ways. My husband knows I prefer small daily acts of love over one big display on a specific commercialized day.
If it’s important to you though talk to him about it and explain why it’s important to you. He isn’t a mind reader and a lot of men just don’t think about things like that naturally.
My thought is this IF you have to have a special day like valentines day, Christmas, Easter, birthday anniversary for showing someone you love only on those days and are nasty the rest of the year than keep it lol I want love and respect 365 days of the yr. If show up for no reason with even a flower you picked walking with a hug
because you thought of ME when you saw it no gift is more special you don’t need a day to celebrate just a who and why and its because it hers /him do nay …sometime just a hug and I love
you is worth more than a gift
my favorite was when my hubby came home from a walk with a bouquet of wild flowers and a bag of apples he picked with a apple pie in mind lol and a hug and kiss with no special reason just love and a wanting a pie lol
It is valentines day. Get yoruself a gift or say lets go out to eat. We don’t exchanges gifts for any holiday or bday naymore. We just go out for a good meal or dessert.
So i personally don’t care, I always make sure we have something for the kids before anything else. If we have the extra spending money and I have the energy I will typically go out and get some flowers and some chocolates for us as a couple everytime my hubby goes to get groceries with me he always picks out some flowers and a sweet of some sort for me, however he typically forgets the important dates
I got a kiss & happy valentine’s day. I’d get too but he had to work tonight so
. I don’t care about V day. Our anniversary & my birthday yes.