Anyone else not feeling Christmas?

Anyone else just not feeling Christmas this year?It’s my youngest baby’s first Christmas however it’s also my first Christmas without my older two and I’m just not at all in the mood for it.Obviously I know you can just pick a day for it and will still be celebrating it but oof.


I abruptly lost my income this month. I’m going to lose my car, will probably lose our lodging and I couldn’t buy my son anything for Christmas. If it weren’t for a few really awesome relatives and my son’s school’s mystery sponsors, my son wouldn’t have gotten anything. I told all of that just to say, this year, the holiday season has just been a struggle and I deeply feel your pain. I can’t wait until the holidays are behind us. :broken_heart::heart: Sending you hugs. :heart::heart:

Christmas kinda sux this year with storm coming in of of my girls won’t be here… plus I couldn’t no decorations up because we had a fire then got flooded… just depressing


This happened to me last year after I lost my brother, whom we were very close… I have 3 Little’s and regret how out of it I was. But I understand how you feel. Try to make the best of it with your little, light a holiday candle and just snuggle. You got this♥️

Your older 2 aren’t with you? I wish you elaborated on that. I hope they’re just with their father this year & not actually “not with us”.

Not feeling it either. First Christmas without my mom.

Your baby’s one. It won’t make a difference to her or him what you do so just do what makes you feel better. Go for walks, watch TV, visit lonely, forgotten people in a nursing home, pretend it’s just another day, watch TV, go to a playground, finger paint together, play baby games. Read books. Hang out with people who don’t celebrate Christmas.