Anyone else notice a decline in kids education?

Does anyone else notice that kids are not learning these days? I am a middle school teacher and have noticed that even my 7th graders are reading and writing at a second to third grade level…Question for all parents…are you working with your kids at home? I am trying to figure out how I can help these kids…all of the teachers in my school are at a loss.


My 10 year old reads above grade level. She’s too impatient and rushes when she’s doing the work. I need to record myself telling her to slow down and pay attention so I don’t have to repeat it constantly this year.

Well, parents had to work multiple jobs and be teachers and also be home 24/7 during the whole covid thing. So kids are behind.
Now, parents have to still work multiple jobs just to put food on the table and have their bills paid. Lucky if they’re home to make dinner or spend a couple hours with their kids.
Teachers can work together to figure out new ways of teaching. Not just as simple as " open your book and teach yourself and if you need help, figure it out for a while before you ask "

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I’m a single mom of a first grader and I work full time. We don’t always have time to read a story at night, but fit reading, math and science into everyday life. My kiddo has to read the school lunch menu every day, the time so we’re not late, we do homework while we make dinner together, she reads to me while I fold laundry or in the car and electonics during the school week aren’t allowed… it’s taking advantage of advantageous moments. Education starts at home, not in Kindergarten. My daughter goes to an amazing price school and the entire staff has been amazing. I can’t say enough about them. Part of the failure of public education is lack of discipline at home. Not the discipline of the children, the discipline of the parent.


I have a 6th and 7th grader and I’ve been trying to catch them up since they fell behind bc of covid but it’s so hard especially when their school seems to worry more about dress codes and vap detectors than teaching them :sleepy:


Curriculum has gotten so out of hand, instead of teaching kids how everyone else learned, it seems like they’re making it 10x harder for no reason. They also like to think all kids have to learn the same way. All kids learn differently and schools need to think outside the box sometimes. Us parents are working with our kids as much as possible, but they aren’t learning the same way we did! We’re also trying to survive, pay the bills, work, clean&laundry, make dinner, help with homework, showers, and bed before you even have one second to think.


They’re teaching them to take test. It’s a state or federal or county test every week it seems.

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I took my kids out of public school and home schooled them because they learned more while
Being homeschooled than being public schooled.

My kids are very very intelligent and bright kids.
They are 22 & 18 now

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I think it has a lot to do with the pandemic and the shutting down of schools. It was already bad before then due to teachers only teaching to help the kids prepare for state wide testing. The education system in America has gone down hill and fast. It’s practically free daycare today.


So my son was in public school last year, he had just started kindergarten. The school beat around the bush getting him an IEP (autistic with speech and developmental delays) and his behaviors in general education had them calling me to pick him up early every day. After that first week he got suspended. They didn’t want him to return until his iep was completed. They never intended to complete his iep since their special education department only allows 15 minutes per day of 1-on-1 assistance. They don’t offer full or even part time classroom time because they want all the kids in general education. Everything that got sent home was filled in by an adult. His color pages. Letter tracing. He didn’t learn to do anything. He was forced to engage in free time where all the kids would loudly run around and play, and when he got overstimulated and would start to react to it the teacher or assistants would lift him off the ground and restrain him (I saw it during his last day, which is why I pulled him). Every school is different. Every county is different. Every state is different. However from our experience not only are kids not being taught as well as they used to be… the standards for teachers has also gone way down…

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I think most people are lucky to come home from work and even have time to make supper these days. Then life is busier than it used to be. Sports take up all evening or activities. The world has gotten away from supper around the table & home time after 6. Most people work till dark.


My Grandaughter is in K this year and is learning to read, im puzzled on how are they supposed to learn without knowing sounds of letters, she has done good with her sight words but seems harder without knowing the sound of each letter

This all really started with the teachers before you, because if the parents were not ever informed on their kid having a learning difficulty.Coming home with passing grades, its hard to know where the problem started.

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Its a lack of knowing what is important. People put sports before education.


With parents having to work multiple jobs or ungodly hours just to make it anymore it’s not something just as simple as work with your child more. And children needed time to be kids also not 2-5 additional hours of homework every day after being in school all day.


Most are having to work two jobs. Lost time with kids. Plus kids technology makes them a bit lazy

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I homeschool so all I do is work with my kids at home, but if I were to send my kids to public school, there is no way I would do that. School eats up so many hours of the day, and the few hours in the evenings should be dedicated to their passions and family bonding time. It’s not the parent’s or child’s responsibility to pick up the slack of a failing system that is not developmentally appropriate for children. Teachers should be focusing less on trying to cram more hours of curriculum down their throats, and more on fighting for smaller class sizes, and a more play-based, dynamic learning environment.


i think it’s a combination of things . Covid being one 2nd is technology a lot of schools turned to chrome books and a lot of the work are read a long type meteríal and 3rd is the economy a lot of parents are working two and 3 jobs to make ends meet they simply don’t have time to do anything with the kids . i wouldn’t blame it on sports tbh cuase if your child is struggling that bad in school your money should be going to tutors not sports but that’s just my opinion


The effects of the pandemic. My daughter is 4th grade and her handwriting is 2nd grade. Online school ruined it she needed in class. Pandemic started in kindergarten for her and I feel it sat her back in math and writing. She reads well that’s all I cld really help with I can’t help teach her math so she understands.

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Public school is about indoctrination not education.


Honestly for my kids the dependency on technology is what has done this. I wrote a letter to the school asking for less technology time and more physical school work and got told technology is how we do it. It also has ro do with no child left behind. Kids are not learning a lesson by passing when they shouldn’t.


Most of us can not work with them at home. Everything is so expensive people are working multiple jobs. Lots of overtime. It’s exhausting


Kids who are in 6th-8th grade now, lost A TON of basic fundamentals with schools being shut down due to Covid. Think about it…What grades were they in when Covid shut down the schools?


It’s YOUR job to teach. You’re noticing kids aren’t learning. What you’re seeing is evidence of your & your colleagues failure.


The dependence on technology at school and at home isn’t helping. Schools beating around the bush for IEPs, not enough funding, passing kids who shouldn’t pass. Learning things kids don’t even need to know, focusing energy on other things when they should be focusing on the basics. These are all contributing to the decline. Let alone workload on parents has gotten higher, so there’s less time for everyone including teachers to truly teach what needs to be taught.

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COVID distance learning for a year might have something to do with this…

:cry: parents blaming the teachers and the teachers blaming the parents. Educating a child starts at home, not when a child starts nursery school or pre-k. I’d like to believe everyone wants to see a child educated to the best of their ability and thriving…gadgets and technology babysits a lot, you’d be surprised at the number of children who have never had a book read to them at home. We all have some part in this :cry:.

Get rid of the computers and calculators. Learn the basics.

This problem isn’t new lol when I was in school I had plenty of classmates who couldn’t read well or at all.

I struggled severely with math majority of my life. I failed every single term. School stuck me in the “dumb” class filled with 40 other kids and I still failed. They just kept passing me on. I was finally diagnosed with Dyscalculia in my 20s. There was no testing for it in my school (just dyslexia).

The system keeps passing these kids through without a 2nd thought.

Blame technology all you want, but I don’t think that’s it. It’s a failing system. Parents, teachers, lack of funding, etc. It’s the system. It’s always been the system.