Anyone else struggle with anxiety?

Does anyone else have really bad anxiety that causes them to panic at every little pain and worry that you’re having a heart attack when it’s just a panic/anxiety attack? If so how do you control it and what helps? I can’t continue to live like this I absolutely hate the way it feels and Ive been like this since becoming a mom… Someone please help


Health anxiety? I’ve suffered from it for 7 years since I had my second, I’ve been on meds they help, keeping myself busy, trying to take it a moment at a time and just focusing on the here and now but I had my fifth, 6 months ago and it’s worse than ever I’m thinking it’s time to see a therapist. Sorry I’m not much help, just wanted you to know you’re not alone.

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Everything is going to be okay :heart: I was going through this exactly a year ago and I didn’t think I could get better. I couldn’t get out of bed because I was so scared of something happening to me.
I ended up going on medication and I’ve just come off of it. I still “feel” things but I know that it’s normal and it’s my mind playing tricks. Just know you will get better.
Look for a psychiatrist and therapist. Remember there is nothing wrong with medication and I wish I had done it sooner. You can send me a DM if you’d like to talk more :slightly_smiling_face:

Learn to control your thoughts, it’s okay to have a bad thought just don’t let it consume you. Think about it for a minute then let it go.

Practice breathing. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious focus on your breath.

Do some stress reducing activities like going for a walk in nature. Bird watching with a tea. Read a book in the sunshine. Do some yoga poses or Pilates.

I used to have bad anxiety but it was caused by stress. I was in a constant state of stress and I’d have panic attacks on the regular. You have to take care of yourself. Eat healthy meals. Intake a lot less sugar and caffeine. Go caffeine free if you can.

I know this sounds awful to hear and maybe unhelpful but it really all is in your head. You have to learn to control your thoughts and emotions. It’s a lot easier said than done and it takes a lot of work. Be patient with yourself and truly and genuinely love yourself.