I have a question about having big babies lol. I had my son 6 weeks ago and he was born 8lbs but he’s out growing 0-3 and 3-6 month clothing and has already sized up to size 2 diapers! I’m just wondering if anyone else went through this with having babies that grow super quick! (He’s also EBF)
My 4 month old son is in size 4 diapers and 12 month clothing. I was breastfeeding but he wasn’t getting enough so I formula feed too.
My 4 month old is in 9 months old clothing. So I get it.
With my 1st I thought diapers were numbered for months …he was a very muscular 39.5lbs at his 1 year check up they took him to a second scale just to make sure it was right… he’s a very slender tall 18 year old now…my3 year old wears 8 in lil boys clothes…
My baby’s 4 months n in 6-9 months n size 3 diapers. He was born 8.5 tho big baby
My son was also 8lbs. His 2 month check up he weighed 15lbs. He now wears 6-9 and size 2 pampers but they fit right on so I’m guessing we’ll be moving to size 9-12 and size 3 pampers soon🤭
Don’t blink!!! they grow up so fast!!! Seems like yesterday my lil man was born and he graduates high school in June!!!
This was the same for my son until he started moving around 6mos, then he seemed to level out and we’ve been in size 4 diapers and 12mo clothes for a few months now. He’s now 13mos/19lbs for reference.
Yess!! My little one was 4month in 9-12clothes. He was 8lb6oz born. He got bronchitis at 4m, recovered at 7month and vomited constantly after every bottle of milk, lost weight and now He’s 9month old and still in 9-12month clothes.
Every baby is different! If the dr isn’t worries about it I wouldn’t be.
Mine didn’t grow and then skipped from 3-6 mths clothes to 9-12! Sounds like he was big to begin with though.
My oldest son was that way on one year old birthday was size three toddler
Yes my son was the same also ebf. They slow down around 6-8 months.
Yes!! My daughter was born 5 pounds except born 100 naturals ide why she was so little cause I was not at the time haha but I couldn’t breastfeed doctors told me to keep trying made me feel horrible the breastfeed lady every time I called she would scold and say try again hadn’t eaten in days" but wasn’t aware of this anymore of drink water or sleeping running on NO sleep just done! My mom came to visit at three weeks about about lost her cool on the breastfeeding lady my daughter had lost weight !! I was very very sick !! So she took baby and went to the store and got some formula told me to sleep didn’t take but one blink and I was out I woke up the next day just absolutely panicked the baby my mom was like ahh she’s passed out drooling for the first time since we got home this baby was out cold it was the most blessed thing to watch!! After three weeks of hell!! God finally was like ahh she needs sleep !! Either way with in three months my daughter was wearing 5 month baby clothes she had rolls on top of rolls haha and I loved every one haha chunky monkey is her nick name and i will love it forever