Anyone elses child wake up multiple times a night?

Does anyone else’s almost 5 year old wake up calling for you multiple times during the night? I can’t get an uninterrupted night of sleep I don’t know how to get him to not wake up through out the night.

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This is safe and works great for my 3yr old grandson who’s ready to start his day at 3am, Dr said it’s fine also. It’s 1mg melatonin and depending on age is your dosage. I give him 1 and he sleeps through the night. However, he’s still an early bird no matter what time he goes down. Never napped during the day. Just loves being awake😄

My son was not a sleeper, still isn’t at 15 :laughing:… what is he up for? Just what’s you? Hungry? Thirsty? I found if I gave him a good snack, protein, oatmeal, warm milk , bath before bed helped.