Anyone elses kids only cough at night?

Hey everyone, my toddler has just started coughing at night. Looking it up (which is awful for me to do because I get anxiety easy lol) most everything says allergies, asthma, etc. did anyone else’s kiddos only cough at night? What did you do to help? We just moved to a different state so the allergens are all different (I have bad allergies myself and my oldest daughter also has allergies)


My 2yr old has asthma and nighttime coughing was one of the symptoms. She now has a Flovent inhaler we use morning and night. She also takes daily Zyrtec!
Albuterol and budesinide nebulizer when she’s sick. Try to keep head propped up on pillow at night and use a humidifier.

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What does the pediatrician say?

Yes he has Asthma and allergies. First it was really bad allergies sneezing alot in morning nose running and couch at night. Pediatrician set is to specialist. We did allergy testing and meds. They also did a breathing test and he failed.

My 7 yr old has coughed bad for weeks they say allergies and he took breathing treatments finally with antibiotics it’s a lot better

My son did. He has allergies and mild asthma, he started Flonase, Flovent inhaler and then an albuterol inhaler when needed.

Put an extra pillow under their head at night to help the drainage flow downward and not catch in the throat.

Post nasal drip is common cause of that

Mine would cough like crazy at night and not the day so much. Reactive airway is what one doc told us and gave him an inhaler for two weeks. He’s good now.

Do you have a ceiling fan going? That could be the cause.

Yes my twins did this when they were 3/4 Dr told me give them delslum for it. I did it didn’t work at all, they got a new pediatrician and one has sports related asthma and both have allergies so Dr put them on a nightly allergy medicine and they havent coughed since

Try a dehumidfier and a air filter. Should help.

My kids have asthma and allergies but didn’t cough only at night unless they had a cold.

It could be something as simple as needing a humidifier

Find somewhere that sells local honey and have them take a teaspoon a day to help them build a tolerance to the local allergens.

Put some vicks on their feet.