Anyone ever quit their job and start over?

Moms, I’ve always been a working mom. Went to PT for about 2 years when I had my girl. She’s now 7 and I’ve been working a full time job for the last 5 years. This job is now sucking the life right out of me. Climbing a corporate ladder is really proving to be a terrible idea. Highly considering quitting cold turkey no job lined up. Anyone ever just do this and start over? I have a lot of experience but know finding a job out there isn’t the greatest right now. Very torn on what to do. I do have a husband with a job so it’s not like there won’t be any income … just one for the time it takes me to find something.

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I’ve done this! Worked at a place from the time when my son was born, for about 6 years. By the end of it, my workplace had become so toxic it was draining me and pushing me into depression. I discussed with my husband quitting and finding something else. I was scared, I had always made my own money and never want to depend on his income for support. However, he encouraged me and told me to take some time off work before even looking for new employment. I ended up doing just that and am now in such a better position. At my job and mentally. Take the leap :grin:

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Do what you have to, it might get tight for a minute but your mental and physical health comes first. Good luck with whatever you decide!

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Yep, it’s easier to get a job when you still have one. Alternatively, if you want to quit immediately, you can take temp jobs or drive Uber/Lyft/Door Dash/InstaCart until you find something permanent. Negotiate some time off between jobs once you’ve accepted an offer.

Start looking now, it’s easier to find a job while you have one, and go from there

Quitting a soul sucking job changed my life! Money is not worth your spirit/soul.

I’ve only quit a job once without starting the next one the following week. I was a teen living at home so- luxury won out. Always better to have ducks in a row first. Start applying now- take a personal day to interview

With everything so expensive I will not quit until I have another job.

In my humble option find a new job first🤷‍♀️