Anyone feel baby in their bottom while pregnant?

Has anyone felt baby move in their bottom? I’m 34 weeks pregnant on Wednesday with number 3. Anyone know what exactly is going on? It just feels so weird!!! I have an anterior placenta this time. Not sure if that’s the cause or anything.

I asked my doctor when I was pregnant with my 4th and she said it was normal … even tho I didn’t and still don’t :joy:

Yes! That 3rd hits different! I do not talk like this… but I swore he was going to fall out he was soo low. Dr said your body changes soo much each time that it’s completely normal

I got baby questions! Last time I was pregnant It was 8 years ago! I’m now 7 weeks. I have a really bad stuffy nose and sore throat and bad migraines what medicines can I take? I get migraines daily but the stuffy nose sore throat and horrible cough is annoying and I’ve been sneezing all day! :frowning: need help

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I’m not sure what you mean exactly, but I’ve always carried extremely low. So I always freaked when I felt movement way lower than what seems possible.

What do you mean bottom ? I feel my baby girl moving by my uterus and it tickles definitely different from when I was pregnant with my son

Yep. Happens when their head starts moving down

If you’re feeling pain or pressure in you’re buttocks baby may be putting pressure on your sciatic nerve. If it’s just pressure in you feel in your anus when baby is moving around it’s just because the baby is so low.