Anyone feel mean in their 3rd trimester?

Does anyone else when they reach the third trimester just feel like they have became mean ? I feel like I’m none stop angry with my 5 year old, always irritated and just feel mean towards him? I try my best not to. I am under a lot of stress and been working 80 hours a week with no day off and now I’m about to lose both jobs and we are homeless so I know it’s a lot from stress but I don’t know what to do to stop losing my tempter or irritablilty on him. Is it just a normal part of pregnancy to just become irritable with your loves ones ?


I’m 36+3 and I wanna hit everyone most of the time…. Idk why but I’ve been very angry in my third trimester

Why are you working 80 hours a week? And if you’re working that many hours you shouldn’t be homeless.

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When I was at the end of my last pregnancy, I was most definitely mean. I really hope your situation gets better. Don’t mind the two ladies asking about why you’re in your situation or where is the father. That’s none of their business and has nothing to do with what you’re asking. I seriously hope things get better for you