Anyone find out the gender at 10 weeks?

Did anyone find out the gender of their baby at 10 weeks do they do it at the hospital automatically now?

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10 weeks is too early 17 weeks onwards is better they may give you a predicament of what they think but it’s not very accurate wait another 6 weeks atleast

10 weeks with the blood genetics test done from my doc. I did the Panorama one

I was 13 weeks & had an respiratory infection. They did an ultrasound but the Doctor told me it wasn’t possible to tell yet.

The earliest I’ve had it done was 12 weeks and 3 days I went in for testing they wanted to do a ultrasound on my cervix and other things and the ultrasound tech said WOW this baby is wide open so you want an expert opinion on what she thought I was having I said sure she said she 95% sure it was a boy. And he is most definitely a boy but with my girls I didn’t find out till 20weeks with my first and 17weeks with my twins