Anyone find out they have type 2 diabetes while pregnant?

I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my first baby & I’m 11 weeks with my second & I just found out I have type 2 diabetes. Just curious if any of you other mommas had type 2 & if so what was your experience like? & If you have pointers or advice. Please don’t judge me. I don’t drink really anything sugary & I don’t eat a lot of unhealthy foods. Thank you

Keep a food and drink diary. You might have to eat smaller meals more often or combine foods differently. My downfall was fruit juice. It’s not as healthy as you’d think. I dilute my drinks 1/4-1/3 juice to the rest water. It fools me into thinking I’m having a big glass of juice without the big sugar hit and I have it with a diabetic friendly meal.

Definitely up your exercise/movement and make it a habit in your day. Do 10 minutes at a time if that helps. I like the circuit training, basically doing 12-15 reps or 30 seconds on each machine available. I used to get up and roll onto the rowing machine and mechanically tow until my eyes opened and I was fully conscious—I’m not a morning person. Take a walk before or after dinner with the whole family. Join a line dance group, take swing dance classes, swim, get a membership at a trampoline park, a climbing wall place or whatever.