Anyone get a positive pregnancy test a day before their period?

So I’m curious if anyone has gotten a positive pregnancy test the day before their expected period at all. So my husband and I are gonna be going shark fishing this weekend, spending Saturday night at the beach and my period is naturally due Sunday. I did stop my birth control last month and am hoping we conceived this last cycle but it’d be my luck that we didn’t and I wake up bleeding in a tent on the beach lol I wanted to try to test on Saturday just coz if it comes back positive, no point bringing tampons along with all the other stuff we have to bring. If not, then I’ll bring the tampons just in case—I’m just curious what the likelihood would be of a positive pregnancy test a day before the expected period.


I did when I was pregnant :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: congrats!

I tested the day before my period and it was positive and I had my 2nd son :blush::blush: I was only a few weeks…maybe 2?? So I know very early with him lol

Got a positive one week after conceiving. So about a week before my next expected period.

I was just shy of 3 weeks along with my daughter when I took my test. So it was right before I was due to start my period. And that was 18 years ago. (She will be 18 in October).

I tested 5 days before missed period and it was positive

I did! We had been trying for so long I get impatient. Line was very faint but it was there. After ultrasounds and blood work it turns out I got a positive pregnancy test at only 7 days pregnant. Still not sure how that’s possible but it’s made this pregnancy go on forever. :joy:

I tested positive a week before my period was due and was 5 weeks

I tested positive the day before.

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I got a positive test and I was 4 weeks pregnant

With all 4 of my living children, I always tested positive right after implantation and weeks before a pregnancy could be seen on ultrasound.

Day before period will definitely show positive if you’re pregnant. You can usually test 5 days before period and get an accurate result.

Tested positive 3 days before!

I got one the day my period was supposed to come. I’m 19 weeks now. But every one is different

If you are pregnant, it is likely the test will show positive (even a faint line will do) before your period.

Have you not seen it advertised on tv?? It’s a yes!!!

I was told I couldn’t have babies from in my early 20’s. 2 days after my 40th my period was a little late & felt odd so I done a cheap £1 shop test & it came back positive! I spoke with my GP & asked why the test was lying (:rofl:) she told me it wasn’t & that it is common for negative tests when pregnant but very rare to get a false positive. I now have a sassy 6yo. Good luck x

They do make pregnancy tests that you can take up to 5 days before your period. Get that.

I always tested positive like 7/8 days past ovulation, so about a week before my missed period

Tests litterally say detect pregnancy 5-6 days sooner(than your period) so yes. It would show 1 day sooner