Anyone get pregnant with the pull out method?

How many of you. Got pregnant on the pull out Method?


Some of these questions, manā€¦ :rofl:


This is how my dad said I came to beā€¦ he told me the reason Iā€™m short is because he tried to pull outā€¦ not all his sperm made it in :joy::rofl:

This has to be fake!!!:rofl::rofl: like, if one time is all it takesā€¦ Duhā€¦ all I got to say is pre-cum is still cum! This is not real :rofl:

Are you for real :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


nah we gamble just blow the load bro lol only five kids in 14 years pretty good odds considering the amount of times we do it lmao


Thatā€™s a very old wives tale
You can get pregnant from the pre cum

Depends on your mans fertility and how early heā€™s pulling out I think. I went 6 years and didnā€™t get pregnant with my first boyfriend but the relationship after that I got pregnant within the first year. Really only works if the man wants it to, careful though theyā€™ll trap ya. :upside_down_face:


Exhibits A and B. They are 11 months apart. It worked until it didnā€™t. Twice


The pull out method works pretty good for me no kids in 8 yrs. Birth control never worked for me but here recently we gambled a little with it and bam here comes a baby and we have gambled a few times through the years and never got pregnant but thereā€™s always that chance :joy: so baby number 6 is on the way but not because the pull out method didnā€™t work lol it was my fault


:eyes: I was on birth control, used a condom and was on my period. My fuck trophy turns 16 in nov

WOW!!! Why would you even take a chance doing that if you donā€™t want kids? SMH!!!


Lol we went 10 years with no kids with that method plus birth control.

:roll_eyes:these questions are getting more and more ridiculous!

Get on birth control or use a condom. Gez

Going on 9 years and no babies other than the one we actually tried for (which happened immediately) we count ourselves lucky and know itā€™s a gamble each time.


Supposedly my ex got gis ex pregnant on precum. Doubt that. She tried everything she could to keep him in her life. Even if it meant pinning another manā€™s baby on him

I got a 3yo and a 13month old. Doesnā€™t work :upside_down_face:

People laugh but it worked for three years for us til we wanted to have a bsby

when the man dont want kids and u also dont it works

People will tell you it has worked for them but the science behind that is that they just got really f-ing luckyā€‹:100: There are so many factors that go in to it, but any medical provider or s*xual health educator will tell you that it is not a valid ā€œform of birth controlā€ :woman_shrugging:

Maybe, and I do mean MAYBE, if you were tracking your cycles, testing for and tracking your ovulation and all of that and then factoring that in, it MIGHT have a fraction of accuracy to itā€¦ But the science says that if you ARE OVULATING, and you have sx unprotected, then YOU CAN BECOME PREGNANT. Pre-cm is definitely capable of creating a pregnancy, and it happens every single minute of every day

The best advice I have for women is to please learn as much as you can about how your body works and whyāœ”ļø And not from these groups lol. They can be fine to hear things from, but go on to do your own supportive or canceling research please. Far too many very grown adults donā€™t have an elemtary school understanding of their body, biology, all kinds of things. Itā€™s sad

My husband and I only EVER used the pull out method from 2011 to now and the Only times I got pregnant was when we decided to leave it in lol. But it depends on the man youre with.

I got pregnant on the pull out method

Bottom line: waaaay not recommended

Can it work? Yes.

Does it work? No. Not usually. Itā€™s just one overly excited moment away from a baby. Highly discouraged method, to the point of saying it isnā€™t a method.

Itā€™s the birth control method equivalent of driving home drunk. Can you do it without an accident? Sure. People have done it before. Some people seemingly all the time. Are you going to be able to drive home drunk without an accident (or getting pulled over by a cop)? No. Probably not. And the more times you try, the more times youā€™re likely to have the least preferred outcome.

Who writes these questions? Are these women 14 and 15-year-old in biology? Maybe they should revoke your high school diploma until you learn basic sex ed.

I didnā€™t get pregnant, but Iā€™m the result thereof lol. My mom and dad used the pull out and got a surprise babyā€‹:smiling_face::joy:

If you have to ask thisā€¦you probably shouldnā€™t be using the pull out method. Just use god damn condoms or BCā€¦

I used the pull out method for 11.5. Got pregnant the night he decided to use a condom and stay in. Condom broke. My daughter will be 19 in a couple days. Had my tubeā€™s tied after that.

Pull out method is the dumbest form of birth control seeing how pre-ejaculate contains semen :woman_facepalming:

Best option for the both of you is to use birth control and condoms

Me just had my son in October and 10 weeks pregnant :sob::sob:.

Well itā€™s not birth control.
Iā€™m sure a lot do.