Any mama’s go into labor 34 weeks pregnant? Was your baby okay being born before 37 weeks? I’m having intense sharp pains and discomfort in my bladder ill be calling the hospital soon gonna give it a minute to see if it goes away walk around drinking my water, I just have a weird feeling.
I had my daughter at 32 weeks . She was fine .but always go get checked out or call your Dr just to be safe. It could just be Braxton hicks contractions or pressure from the baby. But highly recommend getting che ked so they can monitor the baby
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had twins at 35 weeks, apart from complications from being identical twins they were fine. Get yourself checked out as soon as your able, getting help early means there is a chance they can stop labour if it is labour or give you drugs to help baby should they deem it necessary. stupid thing to say but try not to stress yourself out, baby should be just fine but do get checked