Anyone gone to a womans shelter?

Has anyone gone to a woman’s shelter with kids ? What happened and how did they help ? I wanna hear the good , the bad and the ugly .


i have, i had my first and was pregnant with my second. there was alot of rules of course and it wasnt a great time in my life so i dont remember everything. it wasnt bad tho, just hard living with abunch of strangers as you’d expect. i ended up getting referrals to programs and one of them ended up getting me a place to live. my daughter didnt come home to a shelter thankfully!

put into the same situation i’d definitely do it again if i had to.

I have one time with no children and later with children. There was lots of rules some of which I thought were pretty stupid but it’s how they had it but it also helped both times in many ways. The good definitely out weighed the bad. It was different living with people I didn’t know but didn’t take long to get used to it and the routine. It was harder for me to have to deal with the changes in my life and changes going on within myself. They helped me get a job and into my own place to live. Helped build my credit and provided everything for us. We received better clothing and personal hygiene brands than what I would normally bought for myself. My kids had the best Christmas they ever had when we lived there. I would do it again if I needed too. I also learned a lot about life and people from being there which helps me now be able to see situations from different perspectives and not have a automatic opinion about things. I think being there when I was in my early twenties helped me tons with my thinking process and life decisions I ended up having to make later in life


I was a therapist at a women’s shelter and it’s absolutely great for assisting you in ways to get you on your feet. I think rules are great it gives you boundaries living in someone else’s house and prepares you to have your own boundaries. It’s great for the resources. I taught life skills that keep you from returning and getting what you need to go through life.

It is worth it if you need it. Lots of resources. Community feel. 24/7 support.

They gave me an attorney, had me in court within one week. I was given full custody of my child and ordered child support (which he never paid. Lol) but it was an excellent experience