Anyone had a lot of c-sections? How did it go?

I’m pregnant with my 5th baby I’m having a c section and I’ve had c sections with all my kids I’m just wondering how was it for you? I’m more nervous with this one and I am getting my tubes tied I am only in the beginning of my pregnancy.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone had a lot of c-sections? How did it go?

I’ve had 4 c-sections and the 1st was by far the hardest due to the unknown and not knowing what to expect as far as pain and healing, tubes tied with last.

I also had 4. C section and yes 1 st one is the hardest but the last one you already quite know what to expect I did just get my tubes tied as soon as I had my last baby I think the change in me was my low iron food habits changed but the pain for the tubes being tied it didn’t hurt

Ive had 5 on my 5 th i got my tubes done am not goina lie it was way sorer having this one but healed a lot better than i have on some of my others x

I will be having my 4th c section in January my third was my hardest I don’t think it was so much of the c section but the doctor who delivered my daughter was very rough which made it worse on me.

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I have had 5 I think the more u have the harder it is cause of all the scar tissue they have to go through the recovery isn’t any different but the surgery part I feel was worse I felt more pain during surgery then with the earlier ones but it was worth it got my babies!!

I’m having my third tomorrow and so much anxiety :sob::sob::sob:


Ive had 4…my 4th one was 2 wks ago. Agree 1st one is the hardest due to the unknown and all that. I personally think they get easier but its still major surgery. Good luck and hope all goes well❤

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I’ve had 3, tubes were “clamped” with the 3rd. The first was the hardest, second was way easier, the 3rd wasnt as bad. I was more sore than the 2nd, but not as bad as the 1st. Recovery time for me wasn’t as bad. I think everyone is different. I know I was back to a new normal within 2 weeks, considering we moved when she was 2 weeks old. However, because they would tie my tubes, but clamped them instead, it still hurts to stretch a certain way, like I can feel something poking and the scar goes numb every once in awhile. My baby is now 12.

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I’ve had 2 and my second was amazing!!! Recovery was great and everything

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2nd one around was less pain but I was properly medicated that time

I’ve had 4, tubes cut burnt and tied after the last because it was number 4, and like the other mums, my first 1st was definitely the hardest, last one I spent one night in hospital and was home the next one. I found recovery was a bit quicker and easier with the 4th one knowing what to expect and how to deal with it all.

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There are other options besides getting your tubes tied and birth control. When you’ve had that many C-sections a lot of times you’re better off having at least a partial hysterectomy to have your uterus removed because you’re at a very high risk of needing a hysterectomy later in life within 10 to 15 years anyways. I’m having my fourth C-section and my OB is not worried at all she said she’s done seven C-sections on a person.

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I have has 3 C-sections and I got my tubes tied during my third didn’t feel anything different just the surgery took a little bit longer since they were tying my tubes.

I just had my 3rd and got my tubes tied during.
This has been the easiest recovery out of my 3. I only had to take Tylenol.
My first one was the worst.

Just expect it to be a much longer surgery due to scar tissue.

I’ve had 4 and my last one was the best one of them all. I’d say the 1st was the hardest cuz of it being the 1st but really I think my 2nd was the worse.

6, all were good, recovery was longer the last time but they also tied, cut and burnned my tubes

My first was hard. The rest easy peasy.

The healing isn’t any t
Different:) heavier periods it’s feels like but same recovery.