Anyone have a breech baby at 35 weeks?

Any mamas had a frank breech baby at 35 weeks?? Were you able to get baby to turn and if so, how? I’m really freaking out because I do not want a c section and my first baby turned no problem. Any advice appreciated


My youngest I had I had a high risk difficult pregnancy and had to have multiple ultrasounds he was in breech position until the last minute I almost had to have a C-section they had everything ready I had a low-lying placenta 1 cm from the cervical opening I got lucky I was able to have them naturally I did bleed during labor but I’m so rapid labor that I was able to give birth quickly so wasn’t prolonged bleeding but he was breached until like a week before I got induced at 38 weeks

My baby girl was breach at 38 weeks and she turned before labor. I was relieved when my doctor checked and said everything where where it was supposed to be.

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I had a breech baby would came 2 weeks early. I had a c section. I was so happy that I didn’t have to go through labor. It was an easier recovery for me than my natural child birth five years earlier. Not all c sections are bad.


I had a breech baby at 38 weeks. They scheduled an inversion to try to make her turn and thankfully it was successful. They ended up inducing me after turning her because she kept trying to turn back around. It was a scary process but all the doctors I had were very helpful and caring.

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My third was an emergency C-section because she wouldn’t turn and then the fourth was breech as well so I caved and had a C-section. I did want the extra stress on me or baby.

My 2nd was breach but has a c section my 3rd was c section also best way for me

My daughter didn’t want to turn we talked possibility of a c section if she didn’t. I would go for walks every night and hope that in doing so she would turn and she did not sure if the walking helped but I tell myself it did :joy:

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Mine was breech until almost 38 weeks. She turned on her own.

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Yep all the way up to labor. They gave me the peanut ball and she turned.

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I did! My last one was frank breech 2 weeks before my due date. I was FREAKING OUT because I have never had a c section and absolutely did not want one. She waited until labor time and then turned on her own….she knew what she was doing all along.

My son was until 36 weeks ask ob or Google how to
Do it; when it happens it doesn’t feel pleasant lol

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Acupuncture and moxibustion!

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Mine was breech, I did downward dog a lot lol… worked for me and he flipped on his own :woman_shrugging:


Don’t worry, opt for the c section if the baby turns, the cord could wrap around its neck…make sure you have a good doctor who monitors that.

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I had 4 babies, 3 of them turned right before birth, as soon as labor started