Anyone have an autistic child that refuses to wear clothes?

Does anyone else have a child with autism and refusing to wear any clothes. My toddler has a heart defect and know diagnosed with autism. She comes home from school and takes off all her clothes and refuses to wear clothes


My grandson does this every day

My autistic 4 yo son does that he wears clothes in public with no issue but soon as we go home he strips down to his boxers he won’t even wear anything but his boxers to bed also I don’t see the issue as long as he’s home he can be comfortable

I think they hate how clothes feel on their body.

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My grandson did. He is in 5th grade now. He still likes to have only shorts and no shirt or shirt and underwear.

My 3 yr old isn’t autistic but she just prefers to have just undies on

My son is 12. When he’s home, he usually just runs around in his pull up. It’s a sensory thing his doctor said. I don’t see an issue with it. In public and in school he’s fine. We’re getting to the part where he’ll wear a shirt and his pullup now

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Could be too hot for her?? My almost 9 year old is just like that (level 1) and she only puts clothes on to leave the house or when someone comes to visit. Her 1.5 year old sister is the same seating in 12°c temps. Texture and heat thing. My brother is same way, body is too hot (not sick , just runs hot normally)

Often cutting off tags from inside the clothes and/or putting the clothes on inside out. Children with autism often don’t like the feeling of tags and seams against their skin.

I have an autistic toddler… He definitely prefers to be without clothes😂 he will wear them but if he could run around butt naked all day he would be more than happy

See if it’s sensory: look for extra soft clothes. Chenille, velvet, silk undershirt, brushed cotton, no tags, etc. My ex & my kids always ran hot, so too many clothes were stifling. Turn the temps down in the house to see if that helps. Or it’s just freeing to go without clothes. Lots of kids and many adults feel that way.