Anyone have c-sections close together?

I wanted to see if you could post for me. You can change the wording if you need. I have a 5-month-old perc-section and just took a test on the day, and it’s positive. I guess my question is how many moms have had an unplanned surprise so close together? Any issues? I have an almost-three-year-old that was emergency c-section as well, so I thought their spacing was perfect. I didn’t have any issues with recovery. I plan on this being my last baby, so I’m going for a tubal while on the table. Guess I’m just nervous with it being so close. If dates are right it would be considered “irish twins”


I had to back to back. I found out I was pregnant about a month after I had my first emergency c section and everything was fine with the 2nd surgery. Water had broke and all. I just recently had a 3rd one with a 2 1/2 year gap

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My first 2 were born 1 year & 8 months apart both C-section then I had another 1 year & 6 months later also a csections & my 4th came 8 years later

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Mine are 13 months apart. My first was an emergency c section, 2nd was planned C-section with a tubal. No problems at all for me :blush:

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I had one 12 months 3 weeks aspart 1st was with twins everything was good no issues

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I had c-sections in Nov of 2007 and April of 2009. No issues with the second one. I also had my last baby via c-section and tubes cut/burnt in May of 2019. I feel like each one actually gets easier because your body knows what to expect.

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I had my 2 children 11 months apart. I didn’t have any issues after my 2nd c-section.

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14 months apart both c sections the second was a walk in the park compared to first

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Mine were 12 1/2 months apart. The only issue I had was being sick and tearing out my stitches.

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I had 2 c section in 13 months. No problem with it. My daughter was 4 months old when I got pregnant

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I had 3 all 11 months apart but my doctor doesn’t do stitches he uses staples


My sisters are 10 months apart with csection and my mom didn’t have any issues


You guys are awesome. I was hyping myself up more then I think its gonna be. No one in my family besides my husband knows yet. I do get pregnancy induced bp issues which is why my other 2 boys were c-sections. I know whatever this little is im good with it being my last.

Sorry for my ignorance but So it is safe to have more than 3 c sections i had a still born in 2010 Couldnt get preggo till last year 2021 i gaved birth to my babygirl It was 10 long years
So is it safe to say that basicly shes my 1st eventhough shes my second full term pregnacy with my 1st bby it was emergency csection And she didnt make it i was 4.5 months… I want to know i its safe to have more than 3

My twin sisters were c sectioned 33 years ago and then myself 32 years ago. Our birthdays are 3 days apart and my mom had no issues.

I had emergency c section with my daughter in 2014 got pregnant had another emergency c section in late December 2015 got pregnant again was born in October 2016 emergency c section due all to preclampsia my babies were 4 pounds and 5 pounds my last had to stay in the nicu for a lil over a month was hemorging with my I have 2 kids that’s the same age for 2 months and they all turned out fine had 3 emergency c sections was all born early

I have Irish twins! Feb 27th 2012 Feb 13th 2013. Both c sections. And honestly the recovery the second time around was easier for me. I was up and walking just fine in 3 days and threw a birthday party two weeks after for my oldest. You’re not new to the c section game, move around and do the damn thing within your restrictions and without over doing it! Good luck!

I’m pregnant with my Irish twin right now to! Congrats

I had a section in 2019 and 2020 - it was my third section in all - recovery was fine - no issues x

I had both c section surgery at 10 months apart for my 2 boys. I had no problems

Oldest 2 are 14 months and 2 weeks apart… aside from having borderline prenatal diabetes. All went great