Anyone have direct experience with the vaccine being pregnant?

Does anybody have any experience directly or indirectly with the COVID vaccine and trying to get pregnant??

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone have direct experience with the vaccine being pregnant?

I got the vaccine when I was 22&25 weeks pregnant

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Your doctor is really the best person to talk to in order to get factual information. If you need to see a second OB to feel comfortable with it, then don’t be afraid to do that too.


I had my first dose on 1/5 and my second dose on 2/5 (Moderna). I conceived somewhere between 2/3-2/5. I’m 32 weeks today :blush:


Pregnant and/or Lactating - COVID-19 Vaccine Support Group


Okay, so I was forced through work to get the vaccine while we were trying for our second. I didn’t want to get the vaccine especially since we were trying to conceive. We tried for a little over two years and the vaccine didn’t make it easier. I’m now about 27 weeks pregnant. They said it wasn’t recommended for pregnant women since there is not enough research on it. Now they’re ‘recommending’ it…

I was fully vaccinated March of this year and conceived in May.


I definitely recommend this group!

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My OB advised against it because there are cases of babies in and out of the womb having life threatening issues


Got my first shot before I knew I was pregnant and the second during early pregnancy (first trimester). I had no side effects and baby and I are doing well. This is my rainbow baby.


2 of my co workers just got pregnant. Have vaccine in January

I got the vaccine in 2nd trimester. Just had my anatomy scan last week and all is well. All I had was a really sore arm.


Got pregnant right after my second dose so a fertility booster for me :joy: (after baby #1 took 2 years and fertility treatments)


I’m now 15 weeks pregnant and had the vaccine in April! Don’t plan on getting the second dose till after I have this baby. My body my choice☺️


You have to gather information, weigh the pros and cons in general and then try to make a decision. It’s definitely not something I would personally do, but it’s just that … a personal choice. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.


Had first vaccine in early January, found out I was pregnant beginning of February. Caught covid in June (had it also November 2020) and had my second vaccine the beginning of august. My OB really eased my mind and encouraged the vaccine because she has had some moms with very poor outcomes and death while contracting covid during pregnancy.


I got my first while pregnant and my second breastfeeding. Felt good about my decision

I got both doses during my first trimester. I’m 27 weeks now and me and the baby are healthy. (I have been exposed to positive cases and not gotten the virus) My high risk ultrasound (because I’m over 35) was 3 weeks ago and everything was perfect. :heart: this is my rainbow baby!

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I got my first vaccine on April 1st. My birth control failed and I got pregnant. Before knowing I was pregnant I got my 2nd dose on April 22nd. I am 21 weeks with a healthy baby. I am 39 so we have done all genetic testing and everything has come back perfect. I would have gotten the vaccine even if I knew I was pregnant at the time. I feel good about having it.


I got vaccinated in April and found out I was pregnant in June. Baby is doing just fine.

Yes I have received the vaccine, both shots, while pregnant in my first trimester. I had no side effects of either shot except a sore arm and baby is a-ok :+1:t2:

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I got my first vaccine at 30weeks and second at 32 weeks. Both the baby and I are fine. Shes 12 weeks now.

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I had my first Pfizer dose when I was 36 weeks pregnant and then my last dose after giving birth. The first dose my arm was just a little sore the day after and my symptoms after the second dose were a headache and just being tired.

I got both shots in April and found out I was pregnant in June

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I don’t plan on getting until possibly after birth. My doctor is recommending but there’s not enough research to know what potential issues there could be later in life for babies. Could be none or could be tons, we just don’t know.

But I have the ability to work from home so we have just been limiting our exposure to people.


I’m 32 weeks pregnant and just got my first one on Friday. The only reason I got it is because where I live, we can’t go to restaurants or anything now without being vaccinated. Literally was terrified and left crying about how scary it was. So far everything is good. My doctor said it was my choice and that he doesn’t force anyone to get it. He has a lot of pregnant patients and also works in emergency. He told me he hasn’t seen the vaccine have any bad effects on any pregnant women where we live, so that made me feel a bit more comfortable. He did tell me the whooping cough vaccine was probably more important than me getting the covid vaccine though. But I still wouldn’t have gotten it while pregnant if it wasn’t for all our new restrictions

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I got my second dose mid April and found out I was pregnant the first week of June. I wanted to make sure I had it done before getting pregnant, but that’s just me personally. We had been trying for months and had a miscarriage last December. Everything so far has been good and baby is healthy. I’m going on 17 weeks pregnant on Wednesday. :black_heart:


I had covid in my 2nd trimester and got vaccinated in my 3rd. My daughter is 3 weeks old and perfect. Covid while pregnant at that was awful. The vaccine was a breeze.

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I got my vaccine back in January with second dose in February and I’m currently pregnant from an in home insemination kit. No problems with it.

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Got the vaccine a 37 weeks pregnant and my little girl is perfectly healthy !!

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Not too many answering about the bad side effects, of course. I know of 2 ladies who lost their child a few hours after the vaccine. One didn’t know she was pregnant. Baby tested positive for COVID-19 she tested negative. The other, doc told her it was ok to have it… She lost baby. :frowning:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone have direct experience with the vaccine being pregnant?

I became pregnant after I had the first dose of Astra Zeneca (unaware) was due for my second dose and then found out I was pregnant the next day😂 had no adverse effects connected with my pregnany whatsoever - doctors and midwives are quite happy I’ve had both jabs!

I was pregnant when I had both of mine ( had mine 4 weeks apart) and I didn’t know I was pregnant. No problems with me at all and we are both well. Due in 10 weeks

My friend had Pfizer whilst pregnant
No problems

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone have direct experience with the vaccine being pregnant?

I had to go through IVF in order to get pregnant with my son. I have previous lung trauma and have almost died from pneumonia multiple times. It was a hard decision, but I knew if I contracted Covid I would most likely be hospitalized and wouldn’t survive.

I got the vaccine just after my first trimester, baby and I have been healthy the entire time.

Currently 31 weeks and on day 12 recovering from Covid. Even being vaccinated, I was extremely sick. Unless you have a condition otherwise that prevents you from getting vaccinated, I would do it as soon as possible.

My OB said most of her patients were avoiding getting the vaccine, and some were forced to deliver early because of being hospitalized on a ventilator.


Got the vaccine and got pregnant in the same month with a healthy baby.


I recently got the first shot of Moderna at 34 weeks pregnant. My second shot is due a couple days before I am to be induced. I was very torn on whether to wait until I had my baby to be vaccinated or to do it now and hope it will benefit both of us. But with how bad things are getting now, I decided to go ahead and get it! I have had no weird side affects and my baby girl is still doing great! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Was vaccinated at 30 weeks pregnant back in January. I spoke with my OB dr and weighed the risks both ways. I was at risk since I’m a healthcare worker. She also had some preliminary early study evidence at the time also of positive outcomes. I was worried about the high risk of covid and pregnancy and wanted to make sure I’m still here for my 2 year old that was already here.

Now, My healthy baby girl is 5 months old now!


I got the vaccine during my pregnancy, the second dose at 32 weeks. I have a very healthy and happy 5 day old newborn laying on me right now.

No weird side effects, no hinderances to her development in utero.


Currently pregnant, 33 weeks. Got vaccinated in May and June. Baby and me are both great! No side effects other than a sore arm and slight headache.


I got vaccinated in my third trimester pregnant with an Ivf baby, no issues for myself or baby!


Double vaxxed while pregnant. Due Friday! No issues to report.


I had the vaccine at 6 weeks, baby was fine I felt like crap. About to go get the second one. I also had covid after the first vaccine…. And that sucked 1000x worse than the vaccine.


I got my first dose of at 3 months pregnant! No side effects and I now have a healthy 6 week old :two_hearts:


Please check out Dr Marta Perez on YouTube! She is an OBGYN that breaks down the info on the vaccine and info on COVID. It’s wonderful information.

I personally was vaccinated with my son, at 24 weeks and again at 28 weeks, my sweet son was born in April and he is perfectly happy and healthy.


My ex husbands coworkers girlfriend got one while pregnant and started losing her vision 2 weeks later.


I got both vaccinations and my second one I was actually in early stages of pregnancy :blush: Baby is growing perfectly :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: also caught covid about 6 week’s after the second vaccination and again baby is ok :blush:


Got the Pfizer shot in April, pregnant in May… due in February!


I got vaccinated in April and so did my husband. Now we are expecting a baby in March


I got vaccinated when I was about 3 months into my pregnancy and haven’t had any issues just had a sore arm after receiving it.


I chose to not get it after one doctor told me “you’re pregnant don’t get it” and the other doctor told me “you’re pregnant it will be fine”. I didn’t trust it since they couldn’t agree on the vaccine. I rather not risk it :upside_down_face:


My cousin found out she was pregnant and decided to go get the vaccine and lost the baby the same day she got the second shot. Idk if it has any correlation at all but im almost 19 weeks and wont get the vax at all. Even after baby boy is here.


Read the package insert and what it says about pregnancy and decide for yourself. Rare doesn’t mean anything when it happens to you or your child :pray:t3::heart:


34 weeks and just got my second dose yesterday. My high risk doctor told me to wait until I passed 27 weeks. I was still nervous about getting it. Slight body aches throughout the night, headache, and just tired overall. I’m glad I did it.


Got my vaccines around 9 weeks and just had baby today and she is perfectly healthy :slightly_smiling_face:


I got mine at 12 weeks pregnant (currently 20 weeks). The only side effect I had was an extremely sore arm (like I couldn’t even lift it…but better then getting COVID). My doctor told me if I got COVID while pregnant it would more than likely require hospitalization (I had previously gotten influenza A when I was pregnant with my daughter and I was seriously ill) and I may not come out of it or would at least have severe issues post COVID.

Talk to your doctor for sure. I know there has been research done on the pregnant population, which doesn’t happen often for obvious reasons. I got the Pfiezer which was just FDA approved (the only one I believe). I was greatly exposed to a positive COVID case (unbeknownst to me obviously and likely the delta variant since it was from a 1 year old) and, luckily, the vaccine seems to have done it’s job and I did not contract it.

Good luck with making your decision!


I was vaccinated while pregnant, I believe I was 25 weeks. I only experienced a headache and body aches. I’m currently 36 weeks and haven’t felt any difference so far


I got vaccinated in July, I’m due in September. No side affects other than a sore arm and I was a bit tired the day after receiving the second dose. My OB encouraged my boyfriend and I both be vaccinated before giving birth


I was hesitant bc of this but I got vaccinated in March and we are going to start trying after my next cycle! I figured it’s better than getting a severe case of covid ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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I’m double vaxxed and hitting 36 weeks tomorrow. Just the regular side effects after getting the vaccines like any other vaccine.


I got my first shot last week at 24 weeks pregnant. So far so good.

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I got the vaccine in my third trimester!

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A pregnant friend got the vaccine while pregnant with no issue.

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I got vaccinated in June, got pregnant in July and we just hit 12 weeks and doing just fine! No side effects of any sort just extreme nausea :unamused:

I had both my vaccines and fell pregnant a month after my second. No issues x

I waited until after I gave birth to get it. I got my second shot in June and have been fine. I wasn’t going to risk my baby to get a vaccine. There’s not enough study on pregnant women and the vaccine


I got my first dose in January of this year. Then in February I found out I was pregnant. When my second dose was due (I got moderna) I decided to opt out of it since I really couldn’t find any information on the pros or cons during pregnancy. It is obviously a new vaccine so there aren’t any studies. I did not find any information stating that it could or would potentially be harmful to the baby but I couldn’t find any information stating it would be beneficial either. So I am going to wait to give birth and after I stop breastfeeding, I will get my second dose but at this point I think I have to get the whole series again.

Sonya Hailey with my first baby I got the tdap and the flu shot. I also got a shot because of being rh negative and had an antibiotic iv before I gave birth and my little girl is healthy.

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I got fully vaccinated and we found out I was pregnant about a month later! Expecting early Feb. So far everything is checking out healthy :grin:

I got mine and I breastfeed… I had so many ? But after they got answered I decided to get it. Talk with your doctor

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No but my hair is falling out and both my shoulder hurt when I go to bed at night where I had the vaccines in1 in both arms. After effects I had vivid also in Feb had the skin rash on my butt lock in hospital 9 days and infection ended up with 18 stitches. It rollaly drug me down. :sleepy::sleepy:at least I’m alive.

Got vaccinated and conceived the next cycle. Due with a healthy baby girl in January.

I can’t get my shot until I’m at least 26 weeks along


I’m 30 weeks pregnant and just got my first dose almost 2 weeks ago!

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Fully vaccinated by 20 weeks pregnant, no side effects except a sore arm. I’d rather give my baby a chance at getting antibodies than delivering him completely unprotected.


My friend got pregnant after getting both vaccines.

I was 30 weeks pregnant when I got my shot, I had no symptoms or reactions. And delivered a healthy baby at 41 weeks 4 days


Here’s my healthy baby after getting the Pfizer vaccine at 32 and 34 weeks.


Click on #protectyourfamily and there are a few pregnancy stories in there related to the vaccine.


It seems like it helps women get pregnant! Trust your gut. I’m T1D and can’t get pregnant. But I got the vaccine and I ended up in the ER. I got my vaccine in Feb and I miscarried Feb 13. The vaccine didn’t cause it. But you have to trust yourself on this.

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Madison Wells… thought you’d like to see some of these comments❤️

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Kenzie Rae just thought you would like reading these comments :grin::heart:

Okay so people can still get pregnant. Have any of these babies been born yet? Have the babies been born healthy and on time? The scary part is not knowing. People usually don’t get vaccines while pregnant since you really aren’t to take any medicine either.


A friend’s sister contracted covid while pregnant. Baby is fine, the mom, not so much.


So, sounds like the vaccine is making everyone fertile :wink:


My friend’s sis got it and got preggo six months later or so

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Covid 19 Vaccine-Evidence Based Group: Pregnancy, Lactation, TTC & Children

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone have direct experience with the vaccine being pregnant?

I wouldn’t get it . Do you have any inclination what’s in them ? :woman_facepalming:


I was filly vaccinated by mid April, and got pregnant 1 month later. Almost 17 weeks along now, and things seem well :crossed_fingers: knowing that there’s a ton of data out there showing pregnant women sick with covid often miscarry or have preterm birth, and I was high risk to begin with, I’m so grateful I got the shot. I got Pfizer if that helps at all.


I was vaccinated at 20 and 23 weeks. It was recommended by my specialist and my OB since I was considered high risk and I work in direct care of patients at a hospital. I felt sluggish and had a sore arm. Other wise I had a normal pregnancy, labor and delivery and a healthy baby who is now 8 weeks.


Had my first dose then found out i was pregnant 2 weeks later my baby stopped growing at 5 weeks 5 days i was technically 11 weeks when baby passed only thing i did different is have the vaccine i asked 3 nurses if the vaccine could of caused my baby to stop growing and they all said its possible because they don’t know it affects unborn babies i wont be getting the 2nd dose


I am 5 months pregnant. I’ve had the first dose of the Moderna vaccine. My arm hurt like heck for one day but other than that no worse symptoms. I will be getting the 2nd dose on Thursday. I’m hoping it won’t be to bad :slight_smile:

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Fully vaccinated at 37. I received my first at 31 weeks and my second at 35 weeks. Baby is thriving and I only had a sore arm with each dose.

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I had my vaccine but didn’t know I was pregnant it didn’t seem to have any effect that I know of but saying that I didn’t go back for the second because I feel as if there isn’t enough research and my baby won’t be a guinea pig xxxxx


No experience yet but I was scheduled to have my first one today. I had to cancel due to bad weather but I am definitely going sometimes this week. I have talked with several nurses and my OB and he highly recommended it. I am still very nervous but I am going for it.

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I received my first dose of Pfizer at 35 weeks. The only side effect I experienced was a sore arm. I will receive my next dose in about 2 weeks. It was recommended by my OBGYN due to being a high risk pregnancy and I was told if I were to get covid while pregnant there were alot of risks. I was also told by getting the vaccine the baby could get the antibodies. I am monitored by my doctor twice a week. My baby looks healthy and on track.