Anyone have gestational diabetes while pregnant?

Has anyone had experience with gestation diabetes during your pregnancy??


I had it. It’s definitely a learning curve! Lots of cheese, beef sticks and peanut butter! Lol

I did, it sucks cause they make you high risk, and taking your sugar 4 times a day sucks and is convenient but follow the doctors directions and you’ll be alright it’s not as scary as people make it out to be

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Yes I did! Feel free to message me if you want! Definitely make sure your following your doctors instructions and checking your blood sugar when you’re supposed to! But it’s actually not as scary as it sounds tho

Yes just don’t eat the whole package of oreos.
The nutritionist I had to see said just because it says sugar free doesn’t mean to eat the whole bag.
Doctor said I was going to have a big baby. He was 8.10

I’ve had it both pregnancies. I never craved carbs because of it. I didn’t really have any signs of it until I failed my tests. Diet controlled both times

I’ve had it 2 out 6 pregnancies. Is no real signs of it. If I ate something sugary I’d feel really sick. I was induced early last time diet control this time was on meds and had a low birth weight baby

I was borderline my entire pregnancy. My aunt did have it while pregnant. She craved watermelon and she would dip it in sugar/cinnamon combo. And had excessive thirst and her vision would change depending on if she was high or low. She Was peeing all the time (more then pregnant peeing-somedays she would just go sit on a chair in the bathroom with her watermelon lol so she didn’t have to walk across the from house) and the doctor told her to lay off the watermelon all together, had her get up and start walking and a few other things. But her big thing that tipped her off was the vision changes and the sleep patterns. Within 2-3 wks after the baby she was all good.

I currently have it with my second pregnancy and honestly there’s no signs of it but they say if u get extremely thirsty that’s one sign of it . Ur dr might recommend u to go to a diabetic class , that’s what mine did and I learned so much and how to change my diet and what to avoid. They might even prescribe u a glucose monitor to check your blood sugars daily