Have any of you had to have your wisdom teeth removed later in life ? How did it go?Thanks! Scared momma
Had mine out at 35. No issues
I had all 4 taken out at 31. It went very well. Healed up perfectly. Pain wasn’t bad… I hardly had any bruising or swelling just make sure to follow the after care closely.
Got three of mine after I turned 30. Had one pulled. Still got the other two. No issues with them. Dentist says that he doesn’t want to pull them until I have issues with them.
I recently got mine after I turned 30 and it’s not that bad at all.
I’m following this. Because I have impacted wisdom teeth and my mouth is to small for all my teeth. And I need gum repair. I’m scared. I’m a recovering addict and want to try to do it with minimal to no pain meds.
I never had any of them. dentists get a kick out of my X-rays. Good luck!
It depends on what your X-rays look like. Mine were all severely impacted so they had to remove some of my jaw and it was very painful I initially only took 3 days off for it but had to actually miss 2 to 3 weeks of work due to the swelling. My advice is a day before your appointment drink a lot of pineapple juice. Like seriously a lot it’ll help you be less swollen after. Also do a-lot of mouth rinses with lukewarm water and pink Himalayan salt. Stay away from any drinks or things really cold it really hurt my mouth and whole jaw after I could only drink lukewarm drinks. Best of luck!
I had mine out around 35. It was pretty painful and I felt really crappy for a few weeks. They only gave high dose ibuprofen and I think cause the roots are really into the jaw it can take longer to recover. But it healed fine.
I was in my mid/late 20s. Wasn’t bad honestly. The only reason that I required narcotics afterward was because I had a giant cyst they discovered during surgery and they had to remove it which let a ton of tenderness and exposed nerves and bone. It only hurt bad for 4 days and then was ok.
Had one taken out at 32. This dentist messed up cause he forgot a chunk of the tooth inside and it fell out about a couple weeks later. He also yelled at me cause the shots they gave me wouldn’t numb my mouth properly so when he was taking it out I was crying cause it was extremely painful. Then he wouldn’t prescribe pain killers so I had to call my primary doctor who then called them and chewed them out and they sent them in a day later (I’m assuming to be petty lol) and I had to call them the next day cause the bleeding hadn’t stopped fully and that woman hung up on me. Let’s just say I ain’t ever going back to the dentist after that traumatic experience. This was AFTER I decided to go back AFTER years and years of not going cause of trauma so that experience has definitely scarred me to the point I can’t even talk to other ppl about the dentist nowadays
I had all mine removed in my 20’s all went fine no issue at all
Husband has his removed at 33. Drink pineapple juice the day before and buy an ice pack head wrap off Amazon. Didn’t have no pain or issues.
Had all 4 taken out at 28. Was put to sleep (which I was told they’d be a lot rougher) and the dentist ended up cracking another tooth accidentally which then I had to pay to get removed🫠 but other than that, pain was minimal. Didn’t swell up, soft food diet sucked bc I was starving. But after a day I was back to normal really.
Got mine removed at 37. I wont lie it was painful. But i dont know which tooth hurt more. 9 extractions both times. 3 wisdom teeth once 1 the last time. But totally woth it once i healed. It also depends on if their erupted or not.