Anyone else have to beg their husband to get off their phone after work and play with the kids or help with chores?
I never understood posts like this smh to me it says you have made them comfortable to act how they are! I’m not going to coddle you or beg you to be a decent human husband or father… You either are or there’s no point in continuing
Also he should not be “helping” with chores that puts it on you and he’s merely assisting you. He should be doing what needs to be done because he lives there also… it’s a shared joint responsibility
He would be my ex husband if that was the case…
If he wanted to he would. Having some down time is perfectly fine, but ignoring your family isn’t okay.
All dads should be present in there child’s life, what’s stopping him ? Is work bringing him down ? Are you present in his life ? Are the kids just really loud and too much for him after work ? Have you asked him about how he is feeling ?