Anyone have toddler lunch ideas for a 2 year old?

This question was submitted anonymously by real people looking for real advice. Please be mindful with your responses. No bashing or derogatory comments will be tolerated.


Stop getting pregnant.

Chicken Nuggets & Mac N cheese, Grilled Cheese, Chicken Patty with some chips, Ravioli

Since when did this page become about parenting?!


Anything spicy is good for toddlers. They love peppers and chilies. Also, small hard foods are best. Like nuts, hard candy, whole grapes. Make sure to keep their sippy cup full of Mountain Dew or kool aid at all times.

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I give my little girl pizza scrolls, veggie slice, cheese and crackers, Berries yogurt, veggie sticks.

Her nails will be dazzling in a sparkly polish at lunch time.


Why are fans asking these questions and why are you posting them on a nails page?

Small cut up cooked veggies. Banana cut up small. Small chunks of Grilled or boiled chicken. Spagetti (beware!!! Strip them down first to a diaper). Pretty much anything you can eat as long as itā€™s cut in small pieces if they have teeth (which they should at this point). If feeding hot dogs, grapes, or anything ā€œroundā€ in shape make sure to quarter the slices so they donā€™t choke, and definitely donā€™t feed them nuts until after the age of 5. Peanut butter is ok, but keep an eye on them incase they have issues swallowing it. Someone should be watching kids eat anyhow, because you never know when theyā€™ll try to shove too much in their mouth and possibly choke.

Fruit veggies biscuits bread milk etc

When Iā€™m in a rush or lazy, lunchables.

Get a thermos and put chix noodle soup or any kind (drain out most juice) to stay warm, raviolis spaghettios, left over spaghetti all warmed up then put in thermos!! freeze go-gurts! applesauce. PB sandwich, or PB & J. String cheese (any cheese) & crackersā€¦ juice boxes are easy bc less dishes :rofl: celery, cucumber slices, watermelon, apples, cut grapes, strawberries, blueberriesā€¦ u can make ur own little lunchable with ur choice of meat, chz, crackers!

I just recently found this Youtuber and they make cute bento lunches for their kids

Raw meat!!! Please the beast they leave you alone!!

Fruit (any kind they like) with yogurt to dip in it, scrambled eggs with cheese, cut up sandwich, my kids used to love noodles of any kind with any sauce or Mac and cheese with cut up sausage, hot dog or bacon in it, ham and cheese ā€œroll upsā€, cheese quesadillas, cottage cheese, beans and rice, those were some of my kids favorites when they were little

Avacado mac n cheese ā€¦ and use the pouches that have veggies and fruits. Or cut up green beans carrots. ā€¦Google it they have sample menues

At that age certain things like grapes unless u take the time to cut them in small pieces a 2 yr old can choke on them. When my grandkids are here I got both of them into loving yogurt. I always had yogurt in the house and my grandbabies will actually choose it over junk.

I like to make pin wheels they love them and they are not very messy

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Sandwiches cut in half twice,that way they have 4 small pieces of that sandwich,and pieces of fruit with some juice.


I used to do a mixture of meat, cheese, crackers, bananas and a veggie with dip. My kids did better with varieties of finger foods that covered the food groups.

Is this the new Google?


Uncrustables are amazing, pin wheels are easy to make, pigs in a blanket cut up with something to dip it in like ketchup or mustard

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Chicken nuggets and mac n cheese

chicken nuggets and french fries ketchup on the side

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I usually just ask her, answers vary. Macaroni and cheese, hotdogs, ramen noodles, cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets.

Unfollowing this page. Smh

So my answers will probably be unpopular because my kids donā€™t eat any junk
We do nitrate free ham in rolls, a slice of organic cheese, brocolli carrots etc, and a piece of fruit, leftovers of our whole clean dinner from the night before, udies and annies both make some pretty healthy frozen ravioli or veggie Mac options. Sometimes quesadillas on whole wheat tortillas with organic cheese nitrate free ham or turkey or even left over grilled chicken etc and then a veggie for a side. There r a few healthy hot dog options and then u can do a quick veggie steamer for a side.

My daughter liked hard boiled egg,

I am honestly bewildered by this questionā€¦your kidā€¦do you not know what your kid likes?


Pickey eaters need PediaSure

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Google meals for toddlers

left overs from the night beforeā€™s dinner.
Pizza, chicken nuggets, fruit, scoop of peanut butter, Yogurt, Mac n cheese. Cereal, hot dogs, I switch it up daily.

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Up and go breakfast

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Lots of finger food.

Gerber has little mini meals my daughter loved when she was little, lots of varieties.

You could cut a block of cheese into small squares and use crackers cut up some strawberries or some kind of fruit pancakes with sausage maybe some baby carrots give them something to dip them in raisins grilled cheese cut up into pieces

Whatever they Lā™”VE at the moment.

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Look up kids eat in colour on ig

What IS going on with this page?

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Steam up veggies they can pickup ahead of time. Cheese with crackers n pepperoni or salami. Diy bagel pizzas. Tatertots fish sticks. Fries

Anything you eat and cook for urself u can give to ur kid too. Make some vegetables soup some fish and potatoes, rice and chicken, pasta etc.

Join Cheap Meal Ideas

Real food, less processedā€¦

You should change your page name probably

Rotisserie chicken with avocado and cream cheese!!

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Oh myā€¦ I babysit a 2yo that literally eats any and every thing. We do a lot of fruits and veggies for snacks ā€¦ she eats lunch meat sandwiches, grilled chicken, hamburgers, hot dogsā€¦ really anything!

I used to mix peanut butter and applesauce together to make a spread on breadšŸ˜ learned that from headstart.

Pb and J, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, mac and cheese, carrots with ranch, and lots of fruit. My kids love watermelon, grapes, apples, blueberries, and pears.

ā€œAnts on a Logā€ā€¦ celery with peanut butter on the inside and raisins on top!! My nephew used to love those

Homemade lunchables, fresh fruit or veggies tray, mini pizzas, sandwiches, Corndogs, nuggets, cheese sticks, etc. Literally anything.

Step 1. Put food in front of toddler. Step 2. If they donā€™t eat it, itā€™ll be waiting for them when theyā€™re hungry enough

I didnā€™t realize this was a parenting page. The title has absolutely no indication of that :thinking:

fish stix and mac & cheeze

My two year old granddaughter loves cottage cheese with Ranch style beans along with green beansā€¦ toddlers love weird varietyā€™s

So u thought asking Fed up with ur lies & cheating was where ur answers were?:woozy_face::woman_facepalming: