Anyone heavily vape and still get pregnan?

Anyone vape heavily and still conceived with no problems? I would obviously quit vaping once I become pregnant but as of right now I’m not pregnant and still trying to conceive, it’s been months, is it because I’m vaping ?


I used to heavily vape while trying to conceive and I didn’t see any issue because of vaping specifically. Took us about 7 months to get pregnant I quit because the nicotine was
Making me sick in the first trimester and I only vaped 3 nic.

People smoke cigarettes all the time while pregnant and trying to conceive :woman_shrugging:

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3 kids been vaping for 8 yrs. My oldest is 6…

I smoke cigarettes and was wondering the same thing while I’ve been trying

Quit smoking cigs 3 yrs ago and vaping for 2 yrs . Been trying to conceive for 2 yrs and actually wondered the same thing! Trying for #2 , following :seal:

Smoking anything at all does lower your chances of getting pregnant but I smoked cigarettes before I got pregnant with all 3 children. I quit once I found out I was pregnant. So no, don’t blame it on vaping or smoking

I was smoking when I fell pregnant.
I obviously quit when I found out.