Any moms in the group do a natural birth? I’m pregnant with my fourth child and I’m leaning towards no epidural this go round. I made it to 7.5cm with my last son and thought about not having one then but didn’t have time to make a decision fr because he decided to come on his own at 37w and I was already dilated to the point it was get it or not.
My 1 and only child was born without an epidural
I 2 out of my four were with and without. 1st epi wore off by the time he was born though. 2nd no epi. 3rd got it and literally turned around and he was out. 4th no epi. Personally for me recovery was easier without and I felt more myself. Get it or don’t get it, it’s a personal decision.
I have 4 kids. I had 2 with epidural and 2 without. I didn’t plan on having any without medication, but the last 2 came so fast I didn’t have a choice! I didn’t tear at all, so I’m glad I did it without anything. In the moment it’s so painful and you just want relief, but I felt like recovery was so much easier without the epidural. I’d honestly choose it again if I ever have another baby!
2 natural babies here. First had a 100% head size and I tore badly, second just grazing with easy repair. Gas helps, water helps, spinning babies stretches were amazing- loved not being stuck on my back.
You can have a plan to wait and see how it goes. I had two with and two without. The plan was to get it but they came out too fast. Recovery was better without it. If I had another one I would try to go without it but labor is so unpredictable so if you have a plan be open minded to changing it in the moment
I had mine with a TENS and natural birthing techniques such as baths and walking. Honestly? I have had worse period pains.
I had 5 naturals and 1 expredurial.
My first an second I had epidural, my third went into labor an had her about an hour an 15 mins later so didn’t even have time to get an epidural she was already on her way out!
I had all 4 of minel without epidural , its not that bad , most are just wimps these days