Anyone home school?

Any moms that home school? How many hours a day do you do school work with your child? My son is moving into 2nd grade if that helps.


i homeschool and definitely don’t do hours of sit down work. i used to stress but we’re only kindergarten and we only do a little book work and random things that still matter… cooking, gardening, dance class, meeting up with other homeschooling families once a week.

How do you find the stuff for homeschooling? My son was pulled out of kindergarten and I’m looking for some help

Homeschooling a 2nd grader should take no more than an hour and a half a day.


In Georgia we are required 4 hours a day… 18o days a year.
But that is very broad spectrum…. We only do about 2 hours of book work the rest is exploring our environment, puzzles, education games etc

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I homeschool a few different grade levels. We do about 1.5 hours of paperwork then the rest of the time usually 3-4 hours is spent doing hands on activities- gardening, cooking or baking, museums, arts & crafts, fishing, walking, hiking, woodworking etc.

I homeschool 5 kids and my high schooler does about 4-5 hours a day and my younger ones does 3 hours a day and I also count playtime

My kiddos are both in kindergarten and we do about 2 hours of schooling a day

I Homeschool my 4th and 2nd grader. My 2nd grader is usually done within 90 minutes. Rarely is it 2 hours unless there is a test with a worksheet.

My 2nd grader is home schooled and it takes him anywhere from hour and half to 2 hours to finish his day.

I homeschool but this year my daughter does virtual so she has actual teachers, she has a full school day but she also has multiple breaks, so on average I would say around 4 1/2 hours per day. Now last year and the year before doing basic homeschool we only did about 2 1/2- 3 hours a day and she dearly paid for it getting behind, this year has been a struggle catching back up. Make sure you check your state guidelines and testing!

I homeschool my twins for kindergarten and we are usually done in an hour but we do other educational stuff too like cooking, playing outside/ going to the park or playground, watching educational shows, fieldtrips and the library, playing with playdough to work on fine motor skills, etc.

Do k12. It’s free and they teach your kid.