Anyone induced with their third?

Has anyone been induced with 3rd baby? Like did it go fast? I’m being induced July 17th at 4 pm. I just want to know. I was induced with my first son and was in labor for 24 hours and it was really hard for me…

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I’ve been induced with babies 3, 4 and 5 so far… 6 is due to be induced in 2 weeks… number 3 was about 10 hours total. mind, your body knows what to do this time, but each experience is completely unique. Many factors play a part in how fast or slow the process could go.

My daughter was induced and was in labor about 13 hours with both of her boys. She was induced at 7am and and them between 10-11 at night. Your body knowns when it’s ready. I wasn’t induced with either of mine and 4 hours with the first and 38 minutes with the second one. So your body knowns when it’s ready.

I was induced with my 1st, took nearly 60 hours, went into labor on my own with my 2nd, labored 14 hours, was induced with my 3rd due to them believing he was in distress, only intervention was them breaking my water, only labored 2 hours start to delivery and he was out in less than 2 minutes. We think I would’ve gone into labor later that day or the next had they not induced anyways.

My 3rd I was induced was 6hrs start to finish she flew out and was stunned but then 4th 5th nothing happened until next day. All different. Now pregnant baby 6 and be induction again

Induced at 7 am born at 12:10
Induced at 7 am born at 2:45

My water broke but I wasn’t dilating fast enough so they did the Pitocin stuff and 13 hours later I finally asked for the epidural which is what made my body relax enough to fully dilate so an hour later I had my son. I still occasionally feel the pain from the epidural but I will definitely be getting another one when I have my next, I didn’t realize they wear off so fast though. :upside_down_face:

I was induced with 2/3 2 was about 8 hours three was 4 hours …

I was induced with all 5 of my kids and will be with the 6th in October. All mine was about 12 hours in labor

Induced with all 3- 1st- water broke, no contractions- 2nd- I was scheduled induction because high BP at 38 weeks- traumatic experience so I don’t remember much- it was over 24hrs until he finally came out. 3rd- induced at 37 weeks cuz he was getting “too big” they said- 1am on Monday, had him around 6am Tuesday. The last i had my 1st epidural.

Induced with 2nd and it took about 6 hours. Spinning babies stretches got baby out on the 3rd push

All births will be different. I was induced with my 1st 3rd 4th and 5th. But specifically my 3rd was 4 hours at 37w.

The only baby I was induced with was my 4th. And it went quickly. But I also labor fast. It would have been quicker if doc was available to break my water sooner. It started at 630am and I had him at 1pm or 2.