Anyone nervous about having kids?

Hi I’m not sure if this is as important as other ones you post, please keep this anonymous if you think its okay to post. My question is so forever ive wanted to be a mama. I’m 28, engaged to be married in a few months. My fiancé is 33 with a teenage son who lives with us. Best man and best friend ive ever known. I asked him the other day after we get married how soon he wants to start trying for a baby and he said the day after we get married lol. Now it all feels real! Ive always talked about kids and want them so badly but how did you mamas switch your mind set to cant have kids yet cant have kids yet to all the sudden holy crap go for it?! Ive never questioned having kids but now i have butterflies about it could really happen! Did anyone else have trouble feeling ready even though you know you are?


All I want to say is don’t stress it. People get so stressed about it happening and that makes it harder. Just go about having fun and it will happen on its own and you’ll be great


You can’t ever be really ready when it’s your first because it’s all unknown but it’ll be a wonderful experience. Don’t “try” just enjoy each other and it’ll happen when it happens xx

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If there’s an advice I can give you. It is every one gets hesitates/nervous until you really are pregnant. But it is the best experience in life for many women. Now. The younger you have kids the better because your body heals better, and you kids grow with younger parents. Trust me on this one. Don’t stress because you wont get pregnant if you stress is not gonna happen. I got pregnant all the sudden even using birth control, lost the baby a couple weeks after and realized how much I wanted and adored that baby. :angel:t2:

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It takes the average couple 6-12 months to conceive. Not that this is the case for everyone.

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Uhhh yeah everyone… haha you don’t until you have the positive test then your mindset changes to I’m gonna be a mom. No one is ever really prepared and even if you’ve been planning your conception -everything gets real with that + test.


Honey, don’t. Lmao do NOT rush it. Have experiences, travel, enjoy being married first, because once that baby comes it will most likely be mostly up to you to do it all and you won’t get to enjoy that side of marriage.

Children are a blessing​:white_heart: Of course I questioned that when Jr high and high school slapped me​:laughing::face_with_spiral_eyes: