Anyone pregnant and deal with high blood pressure?

Anyone been diagnosed with high blood pressure around 31 weeks pregnant? My blood pressure went from 111/72 to 136/82 in a 3 week period. My OB didn’t seem concerned but said I will more than likely deliver at 37 weeks now. I’m reading this is the “silent killer” I have a head ache and now I’m feeling anxious it’s due to blood pressure getting higher. Any thoughts or suggestions? Similar situations?


I ended up delivering at 36 weeks with mine and he’s now two months old and doing perfectly fine, it is a bit scary, I won’t lie to you, but it’s manageable and the babies are perfectly developed by that point in time minus a few pounds of weight.
The worst part of blood pressure births is the chance of having to have a magnesium drip which can make you feel “high” or “loopy” for 24 ish hours after birth.
Try to decrease salt intake and I know it’s hard but tell yourself you’re okay and keep yourself calm as much as possible because both of those things do affect your blood pressure.
I was also told that elevating my feet above my heart would help regulate it as well.

That’s dangerous
It sounds like pre-eclampsia you need to see another doctor. Could you maybe check in emergency with headache and high BP ? They wouldn’t let me leave the hospital when I went for a random check up as the high blood pressure needed to be maintained. They gave me medication to lower it until I gave birth.

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I was induced with my first child at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia. Had headaches and was so swollen towards the end of pregnancy. My high blood pressure went away after I gave birth and ended up losing 14 pounds of fluid in less than a week (super swollen). I’m currently 37 weeks with my second child and my blood pressure has stayed down. I’ve been taking a low-dose aspirin since 12 weeks due to a history of high blood pressure, and so far so good. Scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks.

Mines been around that so I’m a little worried about myself. Worried about stress I’m going through and a potential early labor. Hopefully after 36 weeks at least but as long as possible. Get a second opinion from another doctor and do your own reliable research about if it’s normal for it to raise or drop like that. Best wishes.

Mine was higher and I carried until 42 weeks. Dr was not the smartest and I had the worst headaches hot flashes and swollen feet

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