Anyone refuse to be induced?

Hi, any moms on here refuse induction and try to go into labor naturally? If so how long did you wait? I’m 41 weeks now. I just am scared to be induced bc previous issues.

You have the right to refuse. But please make sure you make informed decisions. Ask lots of questions like is there plenty of amniotic fluid? Is baby showing signs of distress? What are the risks of waiting a little longer? Also take into consideration how the pregnancy has been all together. After knowing all the facts and everything make your choice. Please don’t only deny it for fear. Sometimes inductions are the best thing you can do for baby and yourself.


Most docs won’t let you go over 42 for safety reasons. , you have to remember baby is running out of room.

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I ended up going into labor naturally and I had my daughter the morning of the induction and I was 42 weeks and honestly I’d probably request an induction if I ever had another one bc I was forced to do everything natural and I almost didn’t even make it to the hospital in time at all.she arrived 30 min after I pulled up to the hospital

They wanted to induce me but I told them no. The very next day (the day after they wanted to induce me) my water broke. I was in labor almost 2 days. I had tried different things to get her to come out but she wasn’t having it.

Well you can refuse , but if something happens to the baby because of it , it’s on you . If doctor thinks being induced is the right thing you need to do it .

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You can refuse but keep in mind that it’s dangerous and if something happens to the baby it’s no one’s fault but yours

I completely understand why your scared tbh I don’t think anyone who is either a DTM or having another baby isn’t scared my daughter (First Born) had to be induced I was hitting 42 wks! But I said yes because unfortunately ALOT of things can go wrong mind u yes things can go wrong regardless BUT the longer baby is in there it makes it a bit more dangerous as there is no room…plz be sure you discuss all options with your provider…I got I diced was given Pitocin at about 5pm 06.26 the next morning 06.27 my OB came to check on me in the morning and still had my water intact she had to break it…then after 3 pushes our beautiful health baby girl was born at 8lbs 3oz! Good Luck momma

Have sex, the baby will come out guaranteed