Anyone skip the glucose test?

Did any other moms skip out on doing the glucose test during pregnancy?

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I didn’t skip it but after 3 attempts to do it they gave up :rofl: i couldn’t keep it down even with anti nausea tablets

No as I had it with 3rd pregnancy and recently 6th. I thought about not doing it for 6th but glad I did as in the end she was low weight if hadn’t needed extra scans I’d not have known she wasn’t gaining.

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I skipped it on my third and final pregnancy.

The midwives were not very impressed but I didn’t care - I’d just left a dv relationship 2 weeks prior which meant change of midwife/birthing hospital.

I hadn’t had diabetes before/after or during my pregnancies, luckily.

I skipped it with my 4th
I would’ve skipped it with the 1st 3 but didn’t know I could lol

Midwives pushed for me to have it but I refused.
I did the non fasting sugar test and said if it came back abnormal I’d do the glucose test but didn’t end I’ll needing it

Due to my stomach disease, it came back inconclusive twice with my first kid. So after that I manually checked my blood 4x a day for a week to prove my levels were normal. With my second I didn’t even bother trying the test and just pricked my finger again for a week

I skipped it with two kids.

I have 4 kids amd didn’t know you could skip it they told me I needed to have it done so I did

Why would you skip it? :woman_shrugging:t3:

Please don’t skip the glucose test. It’s very important to properly treat gestational diabetes if you do happen to develop it.

I skipped it. I was very healthy before and during my pregnancy. Just my personal choice. Everyone’s situation is different. But all my bloodwork during pregnancy and levels while in active labor were all perfect.