Have any mama’s experienced a small amount of spotting after doing the deed while pregnant? I’m 9 weeks pregnant and I’ve had fertility issues in the past 8 years so I’m already on edge worrying, but I had a bit of spotting this morning and I’m trying not to freak out. It’s the first time I’ve been intimate with my partner since conception (he works far away), so idk if i just got irritated or if I should go get checked out. I don’t have any concerning cramps, but i do feel a bit of discomfort in my lady bits.
Spottibg this early in pregnancy is actually very very common and 98% of the time is nothing to worry about, try to remember that stressing and getting anxious about it is no good for you or baby either so put a pad down, monitor the bleeding and seek advice from your doctor if it gets heavier or worse
I would go get checked out bleeding during early pregnancy is always cause for concern…
unless your doctor has told you other wise I’d be concerned!!
For me spotting that early resulted in a miscarriage my very first pregnancy…
My 3rd pregnancy I had a blood sac behind the baby & would sometimes bleed but that wasn’t talked or seen until past my first trimester my doctor said it was completely normal then & not to freak myself out.
Please remember if you have any concerns always consult a licensed medical professional & never strangers on the internet!! As these are our personal story’s & we most likely are not licensed!
Sending good vibes to you!