Anyone take baths while pregnant?

Has anyone’s taken pretty hot long baths while pregnant and their babies come out fine ? I’m 6 weeks and I have been taking hot baths and didn’t think anything about it but now I’m freaking out because I read it can cause birth defects.

I wouldn’t go super hot but the biggest issue is blood pressure and feeling dizzy — you really don’t want to slip and fall getting out. Make sure you have someone around to help you get in and out.

I’ve taken hot Epsom salt baths and hot bleach baths thru all of my pregnancies. Currently 6 1/2 months pregnant with my 10th bio. I was told if you’re sweating from the bath being so hot then you need to give your body a break so it’s not raising your body temp too much, and to make sure that I’m drinking water while I’m in there too. So far no issues with following those two things.

I bathed my entire pregnancy with my son and he’s four. zero issues