Anyone take lamnictol?

Any mom’s on here take Lamictal? I’ve been through a lot of different meds these past three years for my bi polar and BPD and eventually stopped taking them but my psych just prescribed this to me and I’ve seen so many mixed reviews and now have anxiety about taking it

I did many many years ago. Horrendous. All I did was sleep. Everyone has a different experience though, and you won’t know your results unless you try them. Who knows, they may work for you well :blush:

Hi, I took it for four years or so. I just tapered myself. It gave me skin rashes, along with other side effects. I’m still trying to get rid of the rash. I had it the entire time, been off about a month or so.
The rash is considered to be life threatening (not mine thank goodness)
However, it’s one that does seem to help with BPD. I took it with sertraline. I stopped both meds.

Lamtical is a good meditation as long as you don’t get the Steven Johnson rash. … also if you find yourself sleeping to much you might be on to many milligrams… I’ve been on lamicatal for 8 yrs . But you gotta find a mood stablizer that works for you . And not listen to everyone else .

Not for Bipolar, but I’ve been on lamictal for about 12 years for epilepsy.
Just wanted to say I’ve never had any significant side effects, maybe a little sleepier than the average person.

I take 200mg 2x/day

BPD girl here as well. I’ve been on lamictal for a few months now and I’m up to 150 MG a day. I’ve had no issues. I recently got off of my adderall after 3 years and just started welbutrin for my ADHD since it’s a non stimulant and so far they both seem to mix pretty well together. Unfortunately there’s no cure for BPD medication wise. But lamictal is one of the top medications to regulate moods for BPD patients. I’m in trauma therapy to learn the coping skills of it. And it’s a great resource to have so maybe one day I won’t need meds to function.