Anyone use semaglutide or wegovy

Anyone use semaglutide or wegovy? Pros and cons?? I wanna try it but I’m nervous about side effects. I would like to lose (at least) 50lbs to feel good about myself & I plan on making better choices all around & feel confident that I’ll be able to maintain my weight loss if I just had a little extra help to start…


I have a coworkers who do take it and she loves it

I have been on it for a year, I have lost 80 lbs.

I am on it. Main side effects I’ve had is heartburn and nausea, some constipation in the beginning, and lightheaded if I don’t get all my water needed in a day. But yes life style change is thee biggest thing. The medicine is just a helper to get ya down but it’s up to you to choose healthy food and working out continuously afterwards.

Silly idea… that weight won’t stay off either. Are you going to stay on the medication for life? Be much better for you to do it the proper way hun xx

You don’t need pills. Just have a calorie deficit. Use the app My Net Diary

Well side effects include extreme stomach cramps and the weight comes back. Also, people struggle to find it for legit medical needs.

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I’ve heard from a few people that weight comes back plus MORE after you stop

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My endocrinologist says that she will never write these scripts for anyone who is not a diabetic. She said they do not know the lifelong effects on the heart from users who don’t have diabetes. I am
On ozempic and trust me I wish I didn’t have to be - it causes severe nausea , indigestion and reflux and constipation . I am
Type 2 and also struggle to get what I need because so many people are using these as weight loss drugs . It’s not fun being a diabetic. My endocrinologist says the best way to lose weight and to eat period is weight watchers

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I’m switching from Saxenda to Wegovy. Some people think it’s the miracle medicine to weight loss. It’s not. You still have to be on a legit diet and watch what you take in amd drink water or it doesn’t work.

Science says that weight comes back two fold once you stop, so as long as you believe you can make the life style change after :thinking: you should also consider the plethora of side effects you open yourself up to.