Anyone here have a 4 year old who needed a filling? How did they do? My 4 year old needs a filling tomorrow and they won’t be sedating him.
They did my sons filling at the age under surgery, he wouldn’t stay still that long
33 and still need to be sedate.
Laughing gas was our savior lol
Mine got laughing gas and it was a quick, painless process.
Our dentist did a temporary filling since it was a baby tooth… took 2 minutes
The laughing gas will be ok, most pediatric places have the option for paapoosing too. My 4 year old had a tooth removed with no sedation and did great w laughing gas and papoose
Laughing gas or they’ll use the the numbing gel
Make sure you are calm and tell him it’s not a big deal and it’ll be over with very quickly!!! Kids often react to the parents reactions!! Mine both had one at that age neither was sedated or had laughing gas and they were fine!!
Happy gas at a pediatric office! It’ll be alright ur kid feeds off you so if ur calm they’ll be calm, if ur not they won’t be
If they aren’t sedating him then they are most likely using laughing gas, very rarely have I heard of them just going at a young kid without giving them something first. If you are worried then ask them all the questions you want/need to before they even touch your child so you can be reassured that he will be comfortable and safe!!!