Anyone's baby have calcium deposit on their heart?

31 weeks along with first baby. she’s had " bright spots" or " calcium deposits" in her heart since 14 weeks. Dr never seems concerned or at least doesn’t in front of me. says “they’ll go away.” anyone one else go thru this? next ultrasound tomorrow I’m really hoping they’re gone by now.


My son had them until the end from 20 weeks and was/is perfectly healthy. It can be a marker for down’s syndrome but has to have several other parts and there’s an easy blood test to gauge the potential. :crossed_fingers:

My son had one and everything was fine

My youngest had them on her ultrasound and other markers for downs syndrome and I had to go to specialists for it but she was born completely healthy. She’s be 3 this weekend and still perfectly healthy

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My son had them by time he was born they we’re gone

Yes, my son’s calcium in the wall of his heart was the firest thing to ever show up. At his cardiologist when he was 2nd or 3rd grade, they couldn’t find it anymore. It should dissolve eventually. He’s a big healthy 14 tomorrow. :heart:

My daughter had one at the 20 week scan. They did genetic testing just to rule out any genetic disorders since bright spots are sometimes associated with them. But everything is completely fine with my now 13 month old. She did have a heart murmur off and on for the first few months after she was born but that went away too.

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My youngest daughter had them the entire pregnancy. The doctors had me all worked up they told me not to worry but needless to say I did. My daughter was born perfectly healthy and is now 18 months old. I even opted out of the genetic testing because it is what it is can’t change it. But the spot it went away all on it’s own.

Both of my kids had them and they went away and both my babies are perfectly healthy :heart: